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Cyndy Krey*
Title of Work:  Grace
Medium:          Mixed Media
Date Created:  10-17-2003

While I was working on this art doll, she seemed fragile. I had several dreams solving technical construction problems (e.g., how to stabilize the arms and legs).

In a dream dated 09/05/2003:
A teen-age girl with brown hair is curled up in bed crying. She has been abused. She is alone. She allows herself to accept that suffering is real; and she responds by falling apart, breaking down, collapsing. I comfort her and hold her in my arms.

Following this dream, I added the quilted crown backed with copper wire and ballerina shoes -- and named her "Grace."
Grace - Dreamwise

Title:                   Summer's End
Medium:             Dream Inspired Poetry
Date Created:     Fall of 2007

I wrote this poem after dreaming of an old woman pulling a cart beside a dirt road. Riding on the cart is a dog wrapped in clear plastic.

Summer's End

I have not abandoned
my deep self
the ferret (thief).
I can see her
walking in the leaves
kicking at the grass
in my backyard

thin legged boxelder
bugs and Japanese beetles
sun themselves like dogs
through maple seed keys
by the tongues of October.

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