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Margaret Raymond*
Title of Work:         Tables
Medium:                 Nu-Pastels on Paper
Date Created:         May 2009

This drawing  is a surrealistic representation of tables in the art building at Wichita State University.  I chose these tables as subjects for the drawing based on a series of dreams I had between December 23, 2008 and April 14, 2009 involving art classes, workshops, and lots of tables. 

12/23/08:  "I'm in a large room with a very high ceiling, similar to those in McKnight at WSU. It is an art class.  12/26.08:  It is a combination art class and cloth/needlework workshop.  I walk among the tables of women...In the middle of the kitchen are three long work tables. 
12/27/08:  I am visiting a man, an artist....in his studio watching him work on the floor.  Strong hues of red and blue color this dream. 
12/30/08:  ...in a store/home resembling an empty convenience store refurnished with long tables, square tables and chairs. 
1/2/09:  The setting is a combination of places...art building, hotel ballroom...there are many long tables set up in here.  I go to the table where the class is meeting and stand by one of the chairs. 
1/8/09:  I have set the table.  Each time I return to the table my place is smaller and smaller.  Later I go to clear the table.  In an auditorium with a small wooden stage...I have stashed boxes of personal possessions below the table.  In another room a young, dark haired woman is sitting at a table.  We are acquainted through WSU. 
1/11/09:  I am in a large room...There are round tables...She goes back to her table.  2/10/09:  The papers on the table. 
2/17/09:  I am in a large room with big tables....art class.  I walk around the table...a well lit room with colorful, child-sized tables and chairs...I put peaches on the table. 
2/20/09:  In a big warehouse...scattered among tables...My friend is going from table to table...brighter yellow and orange glassware set in rows on tables. 
2/27/09:  ...a big, low table. (During March table-like surfaces were desks and counters.) 
4/10/09:  In the big kitchen of the manse there is a crowd of people, men and women.  Some sitting at tables, some standing. 
4/12/09:  Students sit talking and laughing at tables. 
4/14/09:  A table displays gift items...I put my stuff on a table.

Title of Work:        Nightstand
Medium:                Nu-Pastels on Paper
Date Created:       May 2009

This drawing continues the table theme.  The table represented with my own eye on the top is, in fact, my bedside table.  The drawing also contains an image of a mouth opening to reveal an eye ball, from a specific dream I had on April 10, 2009.  The other eyes, etc. have personal and iconic reference as well as dream imagery.  In most of my dreams I am in the role of observer.  My hand is in reference to a dream in which I am drawing with pastels.  The all-seeing eye, as pictured on US currency, is both a spiritual reference and reflects a brief series of dreams about money issues that I had in March.

4/10/09:  The convict is on his knees before the speaker.  He rants and raves and waves the gun in the air.  He empties it wildly into the ceiling, shooting as his arm windmills around.  The man in love is in the elevator on his way up to be with his beloved.  The elevator doors open.  He is speckled with blood.  He has been shot more than once.  His eyes are wide with shock, anger and dismay.  He opens his mouth.  I see a large eyeball between his lips.  It bulges white with a gray-black iris. As he stumbles forward I hear his words, "No God."  He falls to the floor, dead.  He lost his faith as he lost his life.  How sad that his future with his love has been cut off when he was so close to realizing joy. In the dream this was my sad thought. 
1/3/09:  My view of him is sketchy. 
2/20/09  I look closely at the interior mechanism.....  My eyesight is no longer reliable. Restless, I try to see clearly but cannot. 
2/27/09:  Even as I picture her in the role... 
3/12/09:  I stand front and center, viewing my own back at times. 
4/3/09:  I step closer and rub my eyes to try to see.
4/28/09:  As I look at it, it changes. 
5/3/09:  Sometimes I am the boy and sometimes I watch him, as in a movie, from several angles.  4/19/09:  I'm quickly drawing a picture using pastels.
3/16/09:  I need to pay for my items and get the receipt out but I can't see to read.  3/17/09:  ...at a cost of $100. 
3/18/09:  I walk toward the checkout counter.  I can't focus.  Holding the space for Deborah to get me her images and text.

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