19th Annual International Conference for the Association for the Study of Dreams
June 15 - 19, 2002
Tufts University, Medford, Boston, Massachusetts

Conference Program 

Saturday, June 15


1:00 pm–5:00 pm           Board of Directors Meeting

2:00 pm–10:00 pm          Registration

Opening Panel                                                                                                                CE                                         

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Panel           Cohen     

Why Dreams Matter

Deirdre Barrett, Robert Bosnak, Allan Hobson, Lee Irwin

The opening panel will discuss why dreams matter from the perspectives of science, religion/spirituality, anthropology, different cultures, clinical practice, and the humanities.

Opening Reception                                                                                                      

9:15 pm–11:15 pm           Event

Opening Reception
Sunday, June 16

7:00 AM–9:00 AM           Breakfast

8:00 am–9:00 am           Morning Dream Groups

9:00 am–10:00 am          Presidential Address   Cohen                      

Cultures of Dreaming

Robert Bosnak

While dreaming we are in an environment we experience as entirely real. Upon awakening we call these experiences dreams and enter them into the cultural vernacular which surrounds us, be it the culture of our country, ethnicity, temperament, or professional and philosophical affiliation, e.g., science, art or therapy. I will review results of a dream incubation experiment in the paleolithic Cro-Magnon caves in France, and look at them from a cultural perspective.

10:30 am–11:30 am           Invited Address           Cohen                        CE

Shock Waves: Effects of a Stroke on Sleep and Dreams

Allan Hobson

One of the ways that the brain-mind interface can be studied is to examine the effects of stroke upon sleep and dreams. As Mark Solms has shown, there are certain brain regions which are critical for dreaming and when they are damaged dreaming is eliminated or altered. But dream research has so far done little to pursue this paradigm and to use it to further explore this neurogenesis. This report of the author’s recent experience with a lateral medullary infarct is meant to sound a clarion call to the scientific community regarding this paradigm and the theoretical and empirical issues that are involved in its pursuit.

11:30 am–1:30 pm         Lunch

Dream Education                                                                                                      

1:30 pm–3:30 pm           Panel           Eaton 203                        

Teaching Dreams as a College English Course

Nancy J. Young, Janice Hill

As college instructors of English/Psychology 2700: Writing and Dreams, working with traditional and CE undergraduates, we will share some of the challenges and successes of developing and teaching this course at a small college with a significant population of LD students. Students from our Spring courses will add their perspectives.

Dreamwork                                                                                                                    CE

1:30 PM3:30 pm           Papers           Barnum

Shaman Dreams of Power for Teaching Dreamwork

Maria Volchenko

The paper presents the results of a long-term experience in the use of the author’s dreams of power as guided meditations aimed to empower visualization skills of dream seminar students. Dreams of power are a natural consequence of shamanic initiation rituals, and the use of a shamanic approach in personal dreamwork.

Collective Heart Dreams: Inner Guidance in Dissociative Identity Disorder

Sarah Krakauer

An innovative new model for the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder emphasizes techniques for mobilizing inner guidance. The Collective Heart model is illustrated by a clinical case in which a series of dreams illuminates the etiology of the disorder, the current dynamics, and directions for healing.

Dream Analysis in the Treatment of Dissociative Disorders

Monica B. Tiscione

Dissociative Disorders result from childhood trauma. The traumatized child copes with overwhelming fear and helplessness by compartmentalizing traumatic memories, and limiting their accessibility to consciousness. One important part of the treatment of dissociative disorders involves the reprocessing of traumatic memories. This paper will describe how dream analysis can be effectively used in the psychotherapy of patients presenting dissociative disorders.

The Alchemy of Sound in Working with Dream Images

Sven Doehner

Becoming sensitive to sound in dreamwork, by making conscious our experience of it, offers an experiential mirror for reflecting unconscious aspects of our dream images. Working alchemically with the sounds that emerge from our dreams allows for the appearance and experience of something not yet known, and for the opening of different perspectives in our relationship to our images.

Fairy Tales as a Dream Text Book

Maria Volchenko

There are fairy tales about a dreamer’s adventures. These tales are a valuable source of information about different traditions of dream tuning rituals, creative dream realization, and dream interpretation. Each fairy tale is a hero’s journey, and the hero is a dreamer. There are interesting intersections of dream plots from different cultures.

The Dream in the Individuation Process in Group Analysis

Manlio Caporali

This presentation will focus on the analysis of oneiric data reported by five patients treated with group analysis over a period of five years. The dreams were analyzed across time in the single individual and in the group viewed as a whole. The findings suggest that dreams can be a reliable and valid indicator of individual development as framed within the evolution of the group as a whole.

Significant Dreams                                                                                                  CE

1:30PM–3:35 pm           Symposium           Cohen

Researching Big Dreams, Their Correlates, and Their Effects

Significant Dreams and the Construction of Autobiographical Narrative

Roger M. Knudson

This paper integrates the literature on autobiographical narrative, personal event memory, and significant dreams leading to a discussion of the role of significant dreams in the construction of the dreamer’s life story. A set of dreams is presented in support of the argument.

Significant Dreams of First-Year College Students

Megan L. Nordquest, Roger M. Knudson

This paper will discuss dreams of first-year students experiencing the life transitions associated with beginning college. These dreams may reflect changes of thinking, questioning of the surrounding world as well as call attention to individual “callings. ” Exemplary dreams will be presented with the discussion.

Significant Dreams and Transpersonal Awareness

Matthew S. Allen, Roger M. Knudson

This paper reviews the literature on significant dreams and transpersonal states of awareness. An attempt is made to examine the role of significant dreams in the development of transpersonal awareness. Reference will be made to dreams provided by research participants.

Neuropsychological Correlates of Big Dreams

Kelly Bulkeley

This presentation will present preliminary findings from a research project on highly memorable dreams, and will discuss the possible neuropsychological correlates of these unusual types of dreams. The chief argument will be that “big dreams” (Jung’s phrase) represent distinctive modes of neural activation that differ in significant ways from ordinary dreaming.

3:35 pm–4:00 pm           Papers           Cohen           E

The Psychology of Adoption: The Dream Landscape

Robert M. Childs

The psychology of adoption will be explored through the mapping of dreams that occurred during the search and reunion experiences of adult adoptees. Because there is an inherent regression constellated through search and reunion, the potential for transformative experience will also be highlighted.

1:45 pm–3:45 pm           Workshop           Eaton 201                       

Understanding, Exploring, and Transforming Posttraumatic Nightmares

Alan B. Siegel

This workshop will demonstrate the meanings and therapeutic potential of exploring posttraumatic dreams and nightmares following disasters such as those on September 11th, as well as after other accidents, violence, abuse, or losses. Recurring themes, issues surfacing from the past, anniversary reactions and the stages of recovery from trauma will be explored using participants’ dreams and dreams from patients of participating practitioners. Handouts on posttraumatic dreams and recovery will be provided.

1:45 pm–3:35 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Dream Activism: Making a Difference in Our World

Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Rita Dwyer

Our dreams affect all of humanity. Learn how to use your dreams for community and global peace and prosperity. Participants will develop and initiate a dream activism platform for the dreaming community to use individually and in groups.

3:45 pm–4:15 pm           Beverage Break

4:15 PM–5:45 PM           Invited Address           Cohen

The Oneiric Capacity of Digital Video Medium

Vlada Petric

The presentation will focus on the distinction between the specific cinematic and digital expressive means, with illustrations from exemplary sequences.

4:15 pm–6:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 201

The Benefits of Dream Restaging in Psychotherapy: Finding the Lesson, the Message and the Gift

Ann Sayre Wiseman

Dream Restaging affords the dreamer a three-dimensional way to explore the message of a dream, a message of enlightenment. Assuming what we see is always filtered through the mirror of our own projections, Restaging affords a better more clarifying way to observe the self from the outside as we become ready to interpret and integrate the metaphor. This allows the dreamer to test alternative solutions and renegotiate the outcome of a problem to suit the dreamer’s satisfaction.

4:15 pm–6:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 203                        E

Appreciating Dreams: The Montague Ullman Group Approach

Wendy Pannier

This workshop will explain Dr. Montague Ullman’s dynamic four-step group approach that he developed with Nan Zimmerman. After that the group will work on a participant’s dream using the process. This approach helps people tap the potential of their dreams—and also shows how dreams connect us, one to another. This process exemplifies the high standards set in ASD’s Ethics Statement through protecting the safety of the dreamer, using non-intrusive techniques and respecting the dreamer’s wishes at all times.

4:15 pm–6:15 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Dreamworking with Color and Imagery

Bob Hoss

This workshop is for professionals or anyone interested in a simple but powerful technique to augment one’s own personal dreamwork approach. The approach is based on a unique combination of Gestalt and Jungian theory, for working with dream imagery. Focus will be on: working with imagery, color and archetypal patterns; surfacing the personal content within these images; and relating that content to our waking life personal “myths” and impasses. A handout will be provided.

4:30 pm–5:30 pm           Event           Barnum

2002 ASD Dream Art Exhibition: A Closer Look

Richard Russo

This slide talk will show some of the outstanding works in this year’s ASD Dream Art show, which is premiering on the Web to coincide with the conference. The talk will include commentary on specific pieces as well as general observations about dream art.

5:30 pm–6:30 pm           Dinner

Poster Session                                                                                                              

6:30 pm–7:00 pm           Poster

An Analysis of Dreams Told by Persons Going Through Retirement

Fabian Ramseyer, Arthur T. Funkhouser, Othmar Würmle, Karin Carnes, Peter Locher, Marcel Bahro

The contents of dreams collected by means of weekly telephone calls in subjects undergoing retirement were analyzed. The analysis rests upon a specially designed category system and specific “screening-questions” employed for each dream told. This paper also compares the collected dreams with competing contemporary functional dream theories.

Archetypal and Non-Archetypal Dreams: Results of an Empirical Study

Peter Locher, Arthur T. Funkhouser, Othmar Würmle, Karin Carnes, Fabian Ramseyer, Marcel Bahro

The dreams of 33 subjects participating in the Bern “Dream-Telling and Retirement” study have been collected and divided into two broad overlapping categories: archetypal dreams and non-archetypal dreams. In a second step specific dream-content patterns for each of these categories were delineated.

Definitions of Dreaming

Jim Pagel, Phyllis Meyers

This is a comparison of definitions of dreaming utilized by different study populations [college psychology students (N=158), sleep lab patients (N=189) and medical professionals (N=108)]. There is no commonly shared definition for dreaming, with significant conceptual differences found between these groups.

Dream Interpretation                                                                                                              CE

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Panel           Eaton 201

Comparative Analysis of a Dream Series of a Trauma Survivor

Alan B. Siegel, Deirdre Barrett, G. William Domhoff, Kelly Bulkeley

This symposium will provide a panel discussion with audience participation of three viewpoints on a dream series related to the September 11th events. Special theoretical and clinical issues and advantages to working with a dream series after a discrete trauma event will be discussed and debated from contrasting viewpoints including a Jungian, Psychoanalytic or Self Psychological, and Cognitive point of view. The moderator will encourage active discussion from participants who will be able to receive the dream series in advance.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Panel           Cohen

Dreams for Healing: A Panel Discussion on Dreams During Illness, Death and Bereavement

Robert Bosnak, Tom Crockett, Ann Goelitz

Speakers will introduce the topic (about ten minutes) and present questions for the panel to discuss.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Spiritual Messages and Meanings in Erotic Dreams

Gina Ogden

This workshop will focus on participants discovering the spiritual messages and meanings of erotic communications in their dreams. It will involve an experiential shamanic journey to help participants revisit personal dream content in a deeply focused state, within the resonant container of the group.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 203

Rocking Twin Towers in Abraham’s Bosom: Dreamwork for a Traumatized Nation

James Villarreal

How can we begin to handle the World Trade Center nightmare? With over twenty-five years of Senoi dreamwork, James Villarreal lets us witness a dreamer’s liberating resolution of a recurring nightmare. With a similar pattern, he gently guides us through a healing visualization releasing guilt and restoring our inner “Towers” and boundaries.

7:00 pm–8:00 pm           Event           Barnum

Dreams, Art and Memory

Patricia Reis, Susan Snow

Patricia Reis and Susan Snow present a slide-show talk taken from their book, “The Dreaming Way: Dreams and Art for Remembering and Recovery.”They will share their work with dreams and the art-making process as well as deep and moving teachings about personal memory, healing and transformation.

Monday, June 17

7:00 AM–9:00 am           Breakfast

8:00 am–9:00 am           Morning Dream Groups

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 203

Secrets of Interactive Dream Group Dynamics (Part 1)

Roger D. Martínez, Athena Lou

Interactive Group Work utilizes each member of the group in an effort to better understand and work with dreams. It incorporates a multitude of theoretical backgrounds and contemporary thought bringing the dreamer into a new level of communicating with the unconscious and bringing waking life to new heights.

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 204

Exploring the Transformative Role of Sound in Working Alchemically with Dreams (Part 1)

Sven Doehner

Becoming sensitive to sound in dreamwork—by making conscious our experience of it—offers an experiential mirror for reflecting unconscious aspects of our dream images. Working alchemically with the sounds that emerge from our dreams allows for the appearance and experience of something not yet known, and for the opening of different perspectives in our relationship to our images.

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 201

Embodying the Dream: Discovering the Dream in the Body

Laurel McCabe

This workshop presents techniques for working with the dream in the body. We begin with body-awareness and centering techniques. In the dreamwork, we pay attention to our body-mind-emotion experiences. The archetypal energies of the dream move through dreamer and group members to provide psychological shifts and new awareness and healing.

Content Analysis                                                                                                      CE

9:00 am–11:00 am           Papers           Barnum

Some Suggested Revisions for Scales of Self-Reflectiveness and Participation/Control in Dreams

George W. Baylor

This paper presents a revised scale of dream self-reflectiveness and an amended scale of dream participation and control. Based on (1) a re-analysis of the Purcell et al. Data, (2) Foulkes’ longitudinal data on the development of dreams in children, and (3) the addition of two categories for witness dreaming and pure consciousness, a 10-point scale that focuses solely on the development of awareness and attention is proposed. A 7-point scale for dream participation and control is also presented, which combines earlier scales of active participation and dream control.

Systematic Findings with a Dream Journal: How ASD Members Can Work Together to Advance Dream Research

G. William Domhoff

This paper presents the detailed findings from a Hall/Van de Castle study of 3,100 dreams from an adult woman over a 25-year period. It shows there is consistency in her dreams and continuity with waking concerns, but also material that may lack meaning.

Erotic and Affectionate Feelings for Dream Characters

David Kahn

We investigated the statistical dependence between eroticism and other feelings towards dream characters reported by 35 subjects. We found a significant statistical dependence between eroticism and affection. We hope to compare the results to a recent, on-going study that is examining interdependencies between sexual experience and dimensions that include intentions, feelings, beliefs, memories, spiritual connections and life changes,

Personality Correlates of Dream and Nightmare Recall Frequency

Mark Blagrove, Jenny Clark, and Bethan Rees

Boundariness is known to be a correlate of dream recall frequency, and to be correlated with the widely used personality measure of openness. We found that boundariness and openness both correlate significantly with frequency of dream recall, but that frequency of nightmare recall correlates only with ­boundariness.

Stability of Relationships Among Dream Content Categories and Between Dream Content and Waking Dream Orientation

Philip H. King

Four hundred twenty dreams from 70 subjects were content-analyzed. Hypotheses (based on previous findings) were tested of associations between specific dream content categories (e.g.,  emotions and striving) and between dream content and dream orientation factors (e.g., analyzing dreams). Strategies for advancing content analysis research are discussed.

Dream Recall: An Investigation of Personality and State Factors

Michael J. Zborowski, Ernest Hartmann, and Maura Banar

Conducted a study to extend prior research on dream recall frequency (DRF). Will examine the relationship between DRF (using both retrospective report and dream diary methodology; N=101) and relevant personality factors and mood state (assessed each night). The data will permit a relative comparison across variables and across methods of assessing DRF. The implications will be discussed.

September 11th and Dreams                                                                             

9:00 am–9:20 am           Papers           cohen

Collective Dreams in Times of Crisis

Lauren Z. Schneider

This paper elaborates upon the statement by Carl Jung that vivid dreams accompany significant events or crises by describing the types and functions of various dreams that are evident in the wake of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This paper proposes that the collective unconscious anticipates life-changing events as evidenced in dream imagery prior to September 11th, and that following crisis, dreams play an important role in helping individuals to process trauma and undergo transformation.

9:20 am–11:00 am           Panel

Transforming Dreams of Terror After September 11th

Jill Fischer, A. Carter, M. Bush, B. Kennedy, M. DeMario, S. Hendricks, L. Bernardin, M. Dalton

Our ongoing dreamgroup met for a weekend in November 2001, in order to learn about and experience the Bosnak method of dreamwork with two teacher/experts. It soon became clear that several members brought dreams to the weekend that reflected their dream efforts to assimilate and integrate the events of September 11th and the following weeks. In this panel, members will discuss the experience of entering the terror-laden dream space of another, and the creative transformations those dreams produced.

11:00 am–11:15 am           Break

11:15 am–12:15 pm           Invited Address           Cohen                      

Dream and Visionary Traditions in Native American Culture

Lee Irwin

This invited address on the “Delaware Prophet’s Movement” of the seventeenth century explores how dreaming was a primary basis for maintaining both cultural survival and religious innovation at a time of great upheaval and change.

12:15 pm–1:30 pm           Lunch

1:30 pm–3:30 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Dreaming and Tarot

Sally Hill

This workshop will combine dreamwork and Tarot work to stimulate unconscious process and creative problem solving. Participants will explore their dreams using traditional Tarot spreads. They will explore traditional Tarot imagery using dream techniques. They will create written affirmations that can be used for personal change and transformation.

1:30 pm–2:30 pm           Event           Eaton 201                       

Teaching Courses on Dreams

Kelly Bulkeley, Philip H. King

This event will be a forum for discussing various ways of teaching courses on dreams, in many different kinds of educational setting. Texts, class activities, dreamsharing groups, and research projects will be discussed.

Dreaming and Psychoanalysis                                                         CE

1:30 pm–3:50 pm           Symposium           Cohen

Life with Dreams: Contemporary Interpersonal Contributions

Psychoanalysis, once the natural home for dreams and the unconscious, also seems to have lost passion for the “flowers of the night,” and pursues other interests. This panel, a report from the minority within psychoanalysis, suggests that we not join the general culture in abandoning an interest in dreams, and that we find creative ways to return to the dream for clinical and theoretical inspiration.

Countertransference Dreams and the Analyst’s Anxiety

Susan Kolod

Analyst Dreamers

Emily A. Kuriloff

Introduction to a Dream Manifesto

Paul Lippmann

David Rappaport, Discussant

Dreaming and Current Research                                                       CE

1:30 pm–4:00 pm           Invited Symposium           Barnum

What Is a Dream? The Research View

This Invited Symposium approaches the basic nature of dreaming (“What is a Dream?”) based on recent psychological, neurocognitive, and brain imaging research.

Dreaming Is Making Broad Connections (in the Mind or Cortex) Guided by the Dreamer’s Emotion and Picturing the Emotion

Ernest Hartmann

A Dream Is the Product of Underlying Brain Activity Involved in Offline Processing of Memories and Emotions

Robert Stickgold

Dreaming Is a Process (Not the Same as REM Sleep) Whose Brain Mechanisms We Can Increasingly Identify Through Techniques Such as fMRI

Eric Nofzinger

3:45 pm–4:15 pm           Beverage Break

4:15 pm–6:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Dream Guidance: A Spiritual Lifeline for These Troubled Times

Rita Dwyer, Carol D. Warner

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, there has been a renewed focus on spirituality. Dreams can be a valuable tool for connecting us at a soul level with our higher self and with God/Spirit. We’ll first look at the different forms that spirit can take in dreams and then provide tools, time and guidance for working with a recent dream to “divine” its spiritual message.

4:15 pm–6:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 201

Practical Dreamwork (Part 1)

Robert Bosnak

Practical dreamwork is based on principles first developed by Jung in his work on alchemy. By using a variety of body oriented techniques, practical dreamwork allows the dreamer to flashback into the dream experience and relive the dream in a hypnogogic state of consciousness. By working on dreams in this way, personal as well as archetypal, emotional and physical elements are uncovered. This technique has been used in psychotherapy, psychosomatics and in work with patients suffering from severe physical illness. It has also been used effectively to enhance the work of actors, directors, visual artists and ­writers.

4:15 pm–5:15 pm           Event           Cohen                       

Islam, Dreams, and September 11th

Kelly Bulkeley

This presentation will discuss the rich dream tradition of Islam and its relevance for the post-September 11th world. From the first revelatory visions of the prophet Muhammed to the myriad dream practices of present-day Muslims, Islam has developed and sustained a complex, multi-faceted tradition of active engagement with the dreaming imagination.

4:15 pm–5:45 pm           Workshop           Eaton 203

The Community Dream: Claiming the Tribal Experience of Your Community

Pat C. Brockman

Everyone belongs to a “tribe,” whether a family, a spiritual community, or a close-knit neighborhood. This workshop leads participants to discover their communal soul, and apply this information to choices and decisions. The contemporary tribal dream concept provides a vehicle for probing and understanding communal identity in ways that are creatively encouraging.

Threats In Dreams                                                                                                      CE

4:15 pm– 5:55 pm           Papers           Barnum

Drugs That Induce Nightmares

James Pagel

This study integrates textbook pharmacological data with a meta-analysis of recent clinical trials and case reports of drugs reported to induce nightmares. In most cases, the medications reported to induce nightmares can be characterized into the following groups: (1) drugs affecting domamine, serotonin, norepinephrine or acetylcholine neurotransmitters, (2) drugs affecting immunologic/infectious response, or (3) drugs altering conscious awareness.

The Effect of Everyday Stress on Dream Content

Michael Schredl

Research has shown that the effect of experimental stress on dream content is rather small. More promising is the investigation of “real” stress such as major surgery or divorce. The findings of the present study indicate that every-day stress is associated with negatively toned dreams.

The Threat Simulation Theory of Dreaming: Evidence from Dreams of Traumatized Children

Katja Valli, Antti Revonsuo

According to the threat simulation theory of dreaming, the threat simulation system should become fully activated in the presence of ecologically valid threat cues and stay in a resting state in the absence of such cues. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the dreams of traumatized and non-traumatized children and adolescents.

Dreams—Their Primitive Function

Keith Stevens

The theory as presented asserts that dreams, via their absolute content and not through symbolism, are a stimulus, exercise and rehearsal of our basic driving instincts, being an aid to survival and for the furthering of the species. They are categorized into nine specific groups according to the emotional stimulus.

Night Wars: Dreams Following the Attack of September 11th

Deirdre Barrett

Common patterns have been observed in dreams from survivors of diverse kinds of trauma and we are already seeing many of these patterns play out with the post-September 11th dreams. This talk will present a sample of post-September 11th dreams and describe differences in the nightmares of those directly involved in the disaster and those witnessing it in the media. It will explore how most dreams evolve from mildly embroidered reenactments of terrifying moments to dreams of mastery and describe who is likeliest to get stuck with unchanging ­nightmares.

5:30 pm–6:30 pm           Dinner

7:00 pm–8:30 pm           Workshop           Eaton 204

The Four Elements of the Dream

Aad van Ouwerkerk

As demonstration of a dreamwork method a dream is approached in four ways: the images (earth), the dynamics (water), the ratio (air) and the perspective (fire) of the dream. All this presents information that can be related to the dreamer’s actual and past experiences. lt results in a creative and symbolic expression of the dream’s essence.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

The Call to Heal: Dream Tuning Shamanic Dream Ceremony (Part 1)

Tom Crockett, Maria Volchenko

A growing number of people are being called as healers, experiencing what a shamanic culture would recognize as initiation dreams. This two-part workshop will explore shamanic ceremonies of incubation and initiation and use dreams to help participants connect with their own inner healers. Participants should bring crystals or stones.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 201                        CE

Exploring Childhood Dreams and Nightmares: Our Own and Our Childrens’

Alan B. Siegel

In the post-September 11th world, children’s nightmares have been increasingly reported. This workshop explores common themes and developmental issues using participants’ childhood dreams and their own children’s dreams and clients’ dreams. Information and handouts on recurring dreams, nightmares and posttraumatic nightmares in childhood will be provided plus demonstration of creative remedies for resolving nightmares using artwork, dialogue, and narrative rescripting. Bring art materials and typed childhood dreams if available.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Event           Eaton 203

Where Have All the Towers Gone? Gentle Grief Work with Children, Poetry and Flowers

James Villarreal

“A little child shall lead them.”  This special event will take us on the tremulous September journey through the three stages of grief guided by the eyes of children and the wisdom of the dream. Dreams are indeed wiser than men (Russo) to help make our world sacred again. With adapted Senoi shamanic guides we will learn to make a path by walking. This is presented with video, slides, photographs, art work, and a book display accompanied by soft appropriate music.

September 11th and Dreams                                                                              CE

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Panel           Barnum

Dreaming Before and After September 11th: Journal Keepers Report

Cynthia Pearson, Kelly Bulkeley, Jean Campbell, Ernest Hartmann, Gloria Sturzenacker, Robert Waggoner

This panel will address the effects of the events of September 11th, on dreaming experience as revealed in dream journals. After presenting their observations, the panelists will engage in open discussion with audience members to explore techniques, findings, benefits and the research value of the personal dream journal.

8:30 pm–9:30 pm           Workshop           Eaton 204

Auditory Dreaming: Exploring Sound, Music and Language in Dreams

Craig Webb

After a brief look at how the brain interprets music and spoken language, I will explore how sound, music and language show up in dreams, offer a hypothesis for why dreams often involve word plays, look at how dreams can provide musical inspiration, and play some auditory principle demonstrations and dream-inspired compositions.

Tuesday, June 18

7:00 AM–9:00 am           Breakfast

8:00 am–9:00 am           Morning Dream Groups

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 203

Secrets of Interactive Dream Group Dynamics (Part 2)

Roger D. Martínez, Athena Lou

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 202

Creative Writing from Dreams

Betsy Davids

An open workshop session is centered on writing exercises with some examples and discussion of several approaches to creative writing from dreams.

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 201

Practical Dreamwork (Part 2)

Robert Bosnak

Dreaming and Cinema                                                                                                                              CE

9:00 am–11:00 am           Symposium           Cohen

The Cinematic Imagination: Dreams and Film

This symposium will discuss various ways of exploring the relationship between dreams and film: how directors use their own dreams in filmmaking; what cinematic techniques are used to portray dream experience; how movies influence the dreams of people in the audience; what psychological dynamics are shared by experiencing a dream and watching a movie. Films to be discussed include Robert Altman’s “Three Women,” John Sayles’ “Brother From Another Planet,” David Lynch’s “Mulholland Drive,” G. W. Pabst’s “Secrets of a Soul,” and works by the French surrealists.

Dreams and Filmmaking

Deirdre Barrett

Dreams and film have an obvious affinity: the movie theater is as close as we may ever get to watching another person’s dreams or sharing such a private experience with an entire audience. In Britain the first buildings constructed for the showing of films were referred to as “dream palaces. ” And, just as in the other visual and narrative arts, some films are also actual nocturnal dreams of an individual filmmaker. This presentation will discuss several films dreamed by the writer/director in their entirety.

The Dreamy Cinema of David Lynch

Kelly Bulkeley

This presentation will discuss the many different means by which dreams and dreaming are woven into the filmmaking of David Lynch. Focusing particular attention on “Mulholland Drive” (2001), “Lost Highway” (1997), “Blue Velvet” (1986), and the television series “Twin Peaks” (1990–91), the presentation will consider the role these multiple dream elements have played in the broader cultural influence of Lynch’s films on contemporary American society.

Secrets of a Soul

Bernard Welt

This paper will focus on G. W. Pabst’s 1926 “Secrets of a Soul” (Geheimnisse einer Seele) because of its historically influential means of representing dream imagery through innovative cinematic technique, and use of psychoanalysis and dream ­interpretation.

Realism and Its Discontents: Oneiric Elements in Early French Cinema

Patricia A. Kilroe

This paper looks at a variety of means that early French filmmakers employed to represent the oneiric on film. Film clips are used to compare dreamlike imagery with other kinds of cinematic imagery. The study of film offers a fresh approach to defining the dream.

Characteristics of the Cinematic Dream

James F. Pagel

Many filmmakers include dream imagery in their films. Such dreamscapes often differ in cinematographic focus and framing, sound, pace, story and imagery from non-dream portions of the film. This study attempts to describe the art and science used by a selection of current filmmakers in creating dreamscapes for cinema.

Sources of Dream Form and Content                                                      CE

 9:00 am– 9:40 am           Papers           Barnum

A Method for the Study of the Connections Between Dream Sources

Umberto Barcaro, Rosa Calabrese, Corrado Cavallero, Roberta Diciotti, Carlo Navona

A method for the study of the connections between different dream sources is presented. This method is based on the automatic detection of word root recurrences in the associations with dream reports. This method was applied to text files including dream reports elicited after forced awakenings and associations with the various items of the reports.

9:20 am–9:40 am           Papers

Sleep and Dreaming of Patients with Eating Disorders

Brigitte Holzinger, G. Klösch, S. Parapatics, P. Schüssler, M. DeZwaan, Peter Gathmann

This study intended to objectify sleep and dream habits of 15 inpatients with anorexia nervosa and 15 inpatients with bulimia, utilizing sleep and dream diaries and wrist-worn actigraphs and several questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the eight-week treatment period.

9:40 am–11:00 am           Invited Paper and Training Event

Using the Nightcap to do REAL Science: Hypnagogic Dreaming in Normals and Amnesics

Robert Stickgold

Studies are described in which subjects’ sleep is monitored in their homes using the Nightcap sleep monitoring system, which not only monitors their sleep but performs instrumental awakenings at predetermined points in the sleep cycle. Subjects playing video games and awakened from the sleep onset period report a high frequency of relatively accurate incorporation of scenes from the games into hypnagogic dreams, as do amnesic patients who do not remember having played the games.

11:00 am–11:15 am           Break

11:15 am–12:15 pm           Invited Address           Cohen                       CE

Purpose and Perspective in Dream Interpretation, or, People I’ve met in Other People’s Dreams in Papua New Guinea

Roger Ivar Lohmann

This address considers a selection of dreamed social encounters reported by the Asabano people of Papua, New Guinea, to demonstrate how dream relationships are variably interpreted depending upon purpose and perspective. Interpretations of dreams and other experiences are plural and changeable because they involve assigning meanings, not simply determining the pre-existing meanings of a phenomenon. These findings argue against approaches to dream analysis that seek a single, correct interpretation.

12:15 pm–1:30 pm           Lunch

1:30 pm–3:30 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Let Me Out of the Box

Isobel McGrath, Nancy Weston

“Let Me Out of the Box” will involve the creative techniques of collage and visual imagery. Working with active imagination, each individual will create his/her own dreambox that brings forth from the unconscious the powerful energies of one’s unique symbology and shadow self.

1:30 pm–3:30 pm           Workshop           Eaton 203

Dream as Poetry

Susan Hendricks, Libby Bernardin

Published poems inspired by dreams, books on poem making, and focus on one’s own dream will stimulate writing. Directions and structure will stimulate individual writing. Sharing drafts will follow. Participants should feel a deep connection to poetry. Continued appreciation of poetry’s symbiosis to dreams is the goal.

1:30 pm–3:30 pm           Panel           Eaton 201                        nCE

Shamanic Initiation in Dreamtime

Stanley Krippner, Maria Volchenko, Sven Doehner, Tom Crockett

Shamans are specialists who use dreams to heal and balance. They are made or selected in different ways, but there are always two initiations: the material/physical initiation and the initiation that occurs in dreamtime. These dreamtime initiations come as visions and dreams and represent the initiation into the mysteries of Great Spirit.

Dreamwork                                                                                                                    CE

1:30 pm– 3:30 pm           Papers           Barnum

Dreamwork Research: Correlated EEG/Audio-Recordings of Women with Breast Cancer

Ann Back Price

This study evaluated dreamwork groups of women with breast cancer by comparing timed audio-recordings with simultaneous EEG recordings. In three of four sessions, the audiotaped ­symbol work, characterized by an alpha-theta crossover pattern on EEG, was associated with positive therapeutic result.

Practical Techniques for Dreamwork Using the Dynamics of Dream Series

David Jenkins

This paper will discuss various ways of working with multiple dreams. Techniques will include both comparable dreams (e.g., a series of dreams about being chased) and contrasting dreams (e.g., a flying dream and a grounded dream).

A Comparison of the Dreamwork of Edgar Cayce, Carl Jung and Ann Ree Colton

Titus Roth

The paper gives a spiritual view of dreams based on the work of Ann Ree Colton and Edgar Cayce, which it uses to illuminate and give an alternative way to view the work of Carl Jung.

Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream: Rational Thought in Dreaming

Miloslava Kozmová, Richard N. Wolman

This study of participants who kept a dream diary for two weeks indicates that a variety of rational thought exists in dreaming. This rational thought fits the dream environment and emotional and social circumstances of the dreams as noticed by the dreamer. In some cases, rational thought in dreaming was clearly under-reported and its recording may depend on the expressiveness of the writer.

Observations on 35 Years of Experiential Dream Recording

Kieran Lynch

Thirty-five years of personal dream records were re-examined and the themes appearing in one month’s dreams in each decade were related to psycho-social developments at the time. Analysis of these “dream snapshots” is presented in the light of accepted psychological and non-psychological theories on the functions of dreaming.

Dreamwork in the Light of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence

Daniel Deslauriers

As a natural transformative process, dreams are intimately related to the unfolding of the self. This paper discusses how dream-related skills—e.g.,  metaphorical thinking; understanding of the body-mind relationship; intentional dreaming; empathy—are connected to emotional and spiritual intelligence. This new view emphasizes how adult dreamers can modulate their own development via dreamwork.

The Arts, Creativity And Dreams                                                                   CE

1:30 pm– 3:05 pm           Papers           Cohen

Making Dreams into Music: Contemporary Songwriters Carry on an Age-Old Dreaming Tradition

Nancy Grace

This presentation will look at several well-known contemporary musicians who have written songs inspired by dreams, and who value the role dreams play in the creative process. The cultural significance of this phenomenon will be discussed, as well as the relationship of contemporary dream-inspired songs to the dream-inspired songs of shamans and healers in indigenous cultures down through history.

“The Two Are Friends”: Poetry and Dreams in Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger

Jane White-Lewis

Central to Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger is Walther’s prize song, “Morning Dream Song. ”This paper will examine the musico-poetic synthesis as well as the psychological and philosophical implications of this dream inspired song (which will be played before and after the presentation).

Anatomy of the Canadian Dream

Mark Hagan

In anatomy of criticism the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye states that the “whole domain of literature is a self-contained verbal universe, a massive, complex and intricate product of human imagination. ” According to Frye, literature projects an organized myth of human experience configuring and reconfiguring the world and individual selves according to the desires and anxieties that face the community and the individual. Dreams can provide insight into the cultural and historical dynamics of the literary universe and specifically the Canadian novel.

Language, Metaphor and Pun Revisited: Between Dream and Waking

Irving Massey

As a pre-linguistic function, dreaming has difficulty in accommodating language. Metaphor depends on a tension between tenor and vehicle not available in dream. Interpretation of metaphor invites endless speculation, whereas dream interpretation attempts to be conclusive. Conscious puns require effort in the making, and produce surprise: dream puns show neither.

3:05 PM–3:40 PM           Invited Paper  

Dreaming the Character’s Body

Janet Sonenberg

During an experiment dedicated to giving actors direct access to the wild sea of autonomous imagination via incubated dreams, Robert Bosnak and Janet Sonenberg did just that. It arrived in the form of an acting technique that generates the character’s body. This “networked body” catalyzes a fundamental change in performance that takes the mask off acting itself.

3:45 pm–4:15 pm           Beverage Break

4:30 pm–5:30 pmASD Membership Meeting           Barnum

5:30 pm–6:30 pm           Dinner

6:30 pm–7:30 pm           Event           Barnum

Using ASD 2004 Conference to Increase the International Nature of ASD: Video of Copenhagen

Olaf Gerlach Hansen

One of the purposes of the ASD 2004 conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, will be to strengthen the international participation in ASD and in dream studies. This event will present and discuss a number of strategies for attaining this goal, including membership strategies, increasing international professional profile and outreach, identifying the broader audience of ASD, Internet and media strategies, cultural strategies, strategic alliances, etc. For those interested, a special presentation will be made on the preliminary plans for the 2004 conference in Copenhagen (venue, logistics, cultural program, other information of interest. etc. ).

6:30 pm–7:00 pm           Poster Session

Same as Sunday

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

The Call to Heal: Dream Tuning Shamanic Dream Ceremony (Part 2)

Tom Crockett, Maria Volchenko

7:30 pm–8:30 pm           Event           Barnum

The Serpent: Cross-Cultural Meanings and Its Function in Dreams

Laurel McCabe

This presentation explores cross-cultural meanings of the serpent and explores its functions in dreams. A slide presentation describes cross-cultural experiences of the serpent in mythology, archeology, folklore, and religion. Data from interviews with persons with significant serpent dreams indicate that it often accompanies significant and deep life changes.

Dreams and Aging                                                                                                    CE

7:00 pm–8:00 pm           Papers           Eaton 201

The Effects of Dream-Telling on Persons Going Through Retirement

Arthur T. Funkhouser, Othmar Würmle, Karin Carnes, Peter Locher, Fabian Ramseyer, Marcel Bahro

The effects of dream-telling on sleep quality, aspects of dreams and dreaming, Hartmann boundaries, and life satisfaction were investigated in 108 mentally healthy Swiss subjects going through retirement. This paper presents an overview of the results that were obtained.

Dreams and Aging

Marco Zanasi

One hundred twenty-five dreams of old people (more than 70 years old) were compared with 200 dreams of a control group using tact. The results show that in old people the dreams are shorter than in the control group. Differences were also found in dreamer’s feelings and in the hierarchical position of the dream characters.

Dreams at Death

Catherine Lowther

In this paper, I present a vision for partnering with the dying process through cultivating pre-death dreams to prepare for the death transition. I will synthesize information from diverse traditions with scientific studies, first person dream accounts, and reports from hospice workers, and outline training in dreamwork for hospice workers and people close to death.

Psi Dreaming                                                                 

7:00 pm–8:00 pm           Papers           Eaton 203

The Connection Between Art and Psi Dreams: Implications and Challenges

Dale E. Graff

I review various theories and perspectives about art. Then I examine pictorial material used as psi dream targets to identify connections between artistic quality and degree of psi dream success. This comparison, along with links to quantum physics, provides insight into cognitive processing, perception and the nature of consciousness.

Skeptical Openness to Spontaneous Extraordinary Experiences

Dennis Schmidt

Dream explorers who tell of extraordinary experiences often face bewildering non-acceptance. A clue to cracking this frustrating puzzle may exist in occasional instances of self-avowed skeptics’ responding instead with openness. I consider several such cases, and discuss whether they suggest strategies for increasing acceptance of extraordinary reports.

Dreaming the Real Boston Strangler: Implications for Psi Dream Vigilance

Dale E. Graff

The crime solving and crime alert potential of psi dreams is reviewed with specific examples, primarily the Boston Strangler case, and other criminal incidents. I encourage anyone to enhance his or her psi vigilance which has become especially important in this post-September 11th era, and explain how to recognize, evaluate and act on suspected psi warning dreams.

7:00 pm–9:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 204

An Eclectic Approach to Dreamwork Using a Mandala

Layne Dalfen

Learn how to investigate and understand the simultaneous layers of meaning in a dream using the frameworks of Freud, Jung, Perls, and Adler. The workshop participants will construct a group dream-mandala, using an “If this were my dream” format. This workshop will be very fun and hands-on, approaching the interpretation of a dream as an interactive group.

8:30 pm–9:30 pm           Event           Barnum

2002 ASD Dream Art Exhibition: A Closer Look

Richard Russo

This slide talk will show some of the outstanding works in this year’s ASD Dream Art show, which is premiering on the Web to coincide with the conference. The talk will include commentary on specific pieces as well as general observations about dream art.

8:00 pm–9:30 pm           Event           Eaton 203                       CE

“Appointment with the Wise Old Dog”: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis, a Jungian Commentary

Dennis L. Merritt

We will carefully analyze a video, “Appointment with the Wise Old Dog,” that superbly illustrates how dreams, music in dreams, active imagination and paintings based on these experiences helped a cancer patient undergo a profound psychic transformation that prepared him for his death.

8:30 pm–9:10 pm           Event           Eaton 201

Lattices, Lines, and Oscillations: Varieties of Hypnopompic Geometric Imagery

George Gillespie

This presentation describes two major types of geometric imagery that may appear after sleep. Lattice imagery includes criss-cross, chess board, and contiguous hexagons. Oscillating imagery includes centric, rotating, and vertical. Details of form, color, movement, scannability, and incidental phenomena are discussed. The presenter includes illustrations from his personal experience.

9:30 pm–10:00 pm           Event

Dream Telepathy Contest Instructions

Rita Dwyer

Loosely patterned after pioneering research in dream telepathy done at Maimonides Dream Laboratory by Stanley Krippner and Montague Ullman, this conference favorite is a playful but surprisingly successful way to test your dreaming mind’s ability to tune into a visual target which will be broadcast telepathically during the night. Instructions make it easy to join in the fun!

Wednesday, June 19

7:00 AM–9:00 am           Breakfast

8:00 am–9:00 am           Morning Dream Groups

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 204

Exploring the Transformative Role of Sound in Working Alchemically with Dreams (Part 2)

Sven Doehner

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 203

Secrets of Interactive Dream Group Dynamics (Part 3)

Roger D. Martínez, Athena Lou

9:00 am–11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 201

Practical Dreamwork (Part 3)

Robert Bosnak

9:00 AM -11:00 am           Workshop           Eaton 202

Four Core Spiritual Lessons Our Dreams Teach Us

David Gordon

This workshop will focus on four archetypal dream motifs present in all dreams and the spiritual lessons they teach us. Dreams of Hopelessness, Resistance, Epiphany and Resolve show us the specific attitudes which keep us stuck while also providing the energetic or medicinal experience we need to grow and become more conscious.

Cross Cultural and Spiritual Dream Studies                                                                               CE

9:00 am–10:20 am           Papers           Cohen

Dreaming and the Archetype of John the Beloved Disciple

Carol Warner

This paper looks at the archetype of John the Beloved Disciple, as it manifested in the dreaming and waking life of the presenter, culminating in a channeled manuscript which discusses his apprenticeship and discipleship to Jesus. The scope and variety of John’s dreaming experiences during his studies with Jesus are explored.

Role of Dreams in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo

D. Raja Ganesan

Integral yoga is a way of living developed by Sri Aurobindo from the various yogas evolved in ancient India. It is designed to accomplish his vision of spiritual evolution, a grand synthesis of the ideals and ideas of the East and the West. This paper explores the role of dreams in integral yoga.

Dreams of Culture and Culture of Dreams

Anjali Hazarika

Experience of working on dreams of people from diverse cultures suggests that at a deeper level there exists a universal culture of dreams. The paper defines the universal culture of dreams and draws parallels between the culture of dreams emerging through dreamwork and its resonance with and possible contribution to the emerging turbulent times.

Digging in the Field of Dreams: The Middleboro Little League Site

Curtiss Hoffman

Archaeological excavation at the Middleboro Little League site has yielded a wealth of information about the Native Americans who lived there between 6000 and 3000 years ago. It has also generated a host of dreams among the excavators. We will explore the relationship between dreaming and archaeology at this unusual site.

DREAM contENT                                                                                                             CE

9:00 am–11:00 am           Invited Workshop           Barnum

Is the CI (Central Image or Contextualizing Image) the Fast Lane on the Royal Road to the Unconscious?

Ernest Hartmann

The Contextualizing Image or Central Image (CI) is a powerful image in a dream which can be understood as picturing the dominant emotion or emotional concern of the dreamer. In this workshop, participants will examine some of their own dreams to determine whether their memorable dreams, or “big dreams,” contain CIs, and if so, what emotions are pictured. Participants will have a chance to work on their own dreams, starting with the CI to determine whether this is useful in dreamwork. We may also try to construct or build a dream using the CI model.

11:00 am–11:15 am           Break

11:15 am–12:15 pm           Invited Address           Cohen           E

Dream Incubation: Theology And Topology

Kimberley Patton

The ancient and widespread practice of sleeping in special places in order to receive a god-given dream was the centerpiece of a complex of theologically charged ritual elements, such as pilgrimage, purification or sacrifice, producing divine healing, revelation, or warning, followed by ensuing vow or thank-offering. The phenomenon of royal incubation is known from Japan to the classic Maya to Egypt. However, the monotheistic writer does not wish to imagine a god who can be compelled to give a dream because one has slept in a particular place.

12:15 pm–1:30 pm           Lunch

Dream Content (continued)                                                                     CE

1:30 pm–2:30 pm           Panel           Eaton 201

Novel Measures of Dream Content

Mark Blagrove, G. William Domhoff, Michael Schredl, David Kahn

Recent work has addressed such measures of dream content as how rational, clear, thoughtlike, emotional and impactful dreams are. This panel, and its audience, will suggest and brainstorm these and further aspects of dream content, and how and why they might be measured.

1:30 pm–3:00 pm           Workshop           Eaton 202

Daring to Dream: Exploring the Transformative Power of Dream Incubation

Anjali Hazarika

This highly experiential Workshop will offer the participants the chance to use Transformative practice of Dream Incubation in order to deal with the Challenges created by turbulent, chaotic times. It will also provide an opportunity to learn the art of visual thinking.

1:30 pm–2:15 pm           Event           Eaton 203

How Dream-Mind Chooses the Images It Uses

Janice Baylis

This talk will give dream examples of associative thinking processes used by the dreaming mind. In the forward to Sex, SYMBOLS and Dreams, Dr. Robert Van de Castle wrote, “Baylis takes us a step beyond, sensitizing us to the importance of the way dream images are derived. ”

1:30 pm–6:00 pm           Event           Off-site

A Visit to the Field of Dreams

Curtiss Hoffman, Tom Crockett

We will visit the Middleboro Little League site, which has yielded a wealth of information about local Native American sacred life. After some guided meditation, we will collect and assemble objects from the surface of the site for spiritual focus, and use them in celebratory ritual. Limit: 30 participants.

Research Workshop                                                   Eaton 201                                                CE

2:30 pm–4:00 pm           Workshop

Dream Research Workshop

James Pagel

2:30 pm–3:30 pm           Event           Eaton 203

Dream Art Slide Show

Deirdre Barrett

3:00 pm–6:00 pm           Board of Directors Meeting

4:15 pm–5:15 pm           Hot Off the Press           Eaton 201

Brief reports of recent findings in dream research

5:30 pm–6:30 pm           Dinner

8:00 pm–12:00 am

Dream Ball