Dream Study Groups Program (DSGP)

Enroll in the IASD online Dream Study Groups Program (DSGP)

Members and non-members alike can join the IASD Dream Study Groups Program (DSGP), where like-minded individuals will be able to meet and interact in our “DSGP Tea Room” and will follow course content together over the period of one year in an engaging and interactive way, with access to forums and discussion questions.

  • The cost for participation in the DSGP, $50 for IASD members and $75 for
    non-members, includes:
    • Access to the “DSGP Tea Room”, a global forum for dreamers.
    • Access to either series
    • A one-year membership in either series, where members will interact on forums and discuss course content over the year

The DSGP Dreams and Ethnicity Series

The DSGP Dreams and Ethnicity Series offers several presentations from IASD’s 2021 Annual Conference. The Series includes video presentations, written abstracts of course content, and quiz review questions to prompt discussions in forums with other DSGP members. You will take a quiz after each presentation to earn a certificate of completion.

The DSGP Dreams and Ethnicity Series consists of the following presentations:

1. Fanny Brewster, PhD – Dreams, Letting My Heart Be Broken 

2. Eduardo Duran, PhD – Dream Entity Bringing Form From the Blackworld to the Plantworld 

3. Edward Bruce Bynum, PhD – Extended Family Networks and Dreams

4. Orisade Awodola, PhD – Root Psychology, African Spirituality, and Ancestral Dream Healing

5. Alaya Dannu, MA – Ancestral Dreaming, Cultural Memory, and Cultural Continuity

6. Panel with Dr. Bynum, Dr. Awodola, Dr.  Brewster, and Alaya Dannu – Science of Dreams & Dreaming in African American Traditions

7. Misa Tsuruta, PhD – How Did His Three Dreams Set Shinran on His Buddhist Path

The DSGP Dreams and the Arts Series

The DSGP Dreams and the Arts Series offers several presentations from IASD’s 2021 Annual Conference. The Series includes video presentations, written abstracts of course content, and quiz review questions to prompt discussions in forums with other DSGP members. You will take a quiz after each presentation to earn a certificate of completion.

The DSGP Dreams and the Arts Series consists of the following presentations:

1. Angel Morgan, PhD – Dreams, Creativity, and the Arts

2. Bernard Welt, PhD – Dreaming, Imagination, and Creativity

3. Deirdre Barrett, PhD – Pandemic Dream Art

4. Sheila Asato, MA – VR Dream Art

5. Denise Kester – Drawing on the Dream

6. Lana Nasser, MA & Alisa Minyukova, MA – Into the Dream Navel

7. Bernard Welt, PhD – What’s in the Dream: A Midsummer’s View

8. Craig Webb – The Dreams Behind the Music

9. Keith Salmon, PhD – To Walk in Beauty 

10. Jennifer ClarOscura – Infinity in a DreamLast modified: Monday, 3 January 2022, 9:33 PM

Registration will reopen for Fall 2024 program start.