October  2012
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PsiberDreaming Conference

2013 Annual Conference: Virginia Beach, Virginia

News from the Board of Directors

Call for IASD Board Nominations

IASD Student Awards for Dream Related Research and Projects

Membership News

IASD Regional News You Can Use

Kid Lucid


Member Events Around the World

Members in the Media

Web News Place

September Memberships Total: 51

IASD Office

Linda H. Mastrangelo, Editor
Janet Garrett, Copy Editor
Laura Atkinson, Design and Layout
Richard Wilkerson, IASD Office Manager
Jean Campbell, Executive Committee Advisor
Robert P. Gongloff, Editorial Consultant


Please join Milton Kramer for "The Predictive Value of the Manifest Dream Report in Psychotherapy" on Sunday, October 21, at 11 a.m. at:

440 Studios
440 Lafayette St, Room 4J
(Across from the Public Theater; the building has an elevator)
(212) 529-0259
RSVP requested: glsturz@cs.com

Dreams show a person’s emotional state, and as your feelings change, so do your dreams. Dr. Milton Kramer, a psychiatrist with a half-century career in the academic study of dreams, will describe two studies of dreams presented by psychoanalytic patients.

One study paired the early and late dreams of 12 therapy patients and identified from them who had improved in therapy and who had not. The other study looked at the first and last dreams and rank ordered the patients’ improvement. The audience will have a chance to try its hand at identifying which early and late dreams indicated the least and most progress.

Learn how, by reading the first and last dream reported in therapy, a person may be able to identify whether the therapy was successful or not and the actual level of progress.

Milton Kramer, M.D., is a recipient of the IASD Lifetime Achievement Award and was president in 1986–1987.


Gloria will describe the four-stage structure of the Ullman Method of group dreamwork. Then, by highlighting individual members of IASD, she’ll introduce some of the many additional ways people can work with their dreams.

The event will take place on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at:
Memorial Hall
New Milford Public Library
24 Main St.
New Milford, CT


Bob and Lynne Hoss will be holding a 2-day weekend training Workshop on the Dream To Freedom™ technique: combining dream and energy work to clear emotional conflict and trauma on October 27-28, 2012 at the Airport Embassy Suites, San Francisco, California.

Instructors will be Dawson Church (EFT Universe) and Bob and Lynne Hoss (IASD & DreamScience).

Participants will learn the science and psychology of dream and energy work and how to use of the Dream To Freedom™ protocol for identifying and clearing emotional barriers to healing and closure.

Click here for information and registration or go to www.dreamscience.org 


North of Eden founders Christa Lancaster and Marc Bregman will join Rodger Kamenetz, author of The History of Last Night’s Dream, in presenting a long weekend Archetypal Dreamwork retreat in New Orleans, November 1-4, 2012.

This retreat will take place at a private plantation south of the city. Each participant will have the opportunity to experience the teachings from their own dreams using a dynamic group enactment process called String Work, for the use of strings to clarify the relationships between the dreamer and various dream elements.
New Orleans is fast becoming a hot spot of Archetypal Dreamwork, as this groundbreaking experiential work with dreams compels more and more people to enter the depths of the psyche where the essential soul self awaits.

In 2013, Christa Lancaster and Marc Bregman will be presenting Archetypal Dreamwork retreats at Esalen Institute, Kripalu Yoga & Health Center, Breitenbush Retreat Center, and Hollyhock Retreat Center, as well as in Colorado, Bermuda, France, and, of course, their home state of Vermont. For more information about these opportunities and about this work, visit www.northofeden.com.


“Gathering of Men and Women Exploring Nighttime Dreams Together” led by Tom Lane at 5:30 PM on Friday, January 18 to 3:00 PM on Sunday, January 20, 2013 at a FIVE STAR retreat center near Greensboro in Stoneville, NC.

For anyone interested in learning the essential wisdom your dreams have come to tell you; discover their specific meanings for your own health & wholeness and enjoy a depth of camaraderie with other men and women.

Tom Lane, DMin is a Professional Dreamworker and Licensed Professional Counselor, founder of Journey Conferences www.journeyconferences.com  and a former Board Member of IASD.
For more information, cost, financial concerns or to check availability, contact Tom at (336) 545-1200 or tom@understandyourdream.com 


Laurel Clark's latest book, published by SOM Publishing, is now in print. Intuitive Dreaming features chapters on visitations, precognitive dreams, dream telepathy, and other forms of intuition. Many of the chapters come from her experiences with IASD Conferences, including the PsiberDreaming Conference. All proceeds from the book go to further School of Metaphysics educational programs.

Laurel Clark was also featured on the Mystical Cruise internet radio show, speaking about Intuitive Dreaming. You can listen by clicking here!


Robert Gongloff’s book, Dream Exploration: A New Approach, is now available on Kindle. Robert is the current IASD Board Chair.


Hear Dr. Marcia Emery on her radio program “The Partnership of Intuition and Dreams” Thursday, at 5pm PT or 8pm ET on Voice America, 7th Wave Channel. The show will be archived on the website following the program. Go to www.drmarciaemery.com to hear past programs and see the lineup for upcoming shows.

The OCTOBER Lineup is:

Oct 4
Pam Coronado
Adventures of a Psychic Detective

Oct 11
Sheila Asato
Embodied Dreaming

OCT 18
Curtiss Hoffman
The Gilgamesh Cantata: A Dream-Based Creative Process

Oct 25
Johanna Carroll
Using Intuition to Improve Your Life


Dream Network Journal's autumn issue, focused on Dreaming Politics, contains stimulating articles like The Plight of the Elephants by Deena Metzger, Cybernetics, Global Warming and Dreams by Paco Mitchell and The Gilgamesh Cantata, Part Two by Curtiss Hoffman, as well as a series of uplifting visions to assist us in Dreaming Humanity's Path. Click here for more information.


Cash prizes will be awarded next year by The iMAGE Project to the winners of two international competitions in writing and art.

Dreams for the Listener: An Adventure of the Heart calls on the awakening of dreams. Deadline, December 30, 2012.

For more information go to www.dreamsforthelistener.com 


Peter Widmer is looking for people who work with their dreams and beginner to highly advanced lucid dreamers for a scientific research project.

The Maturity Assessment Profile (MAP), which assesses stages of adult development, is a semi-projective, sentence completion test measuring adult development. Volunteers are needed to take the Washington Sentence Completion Test (SCT) to determine if dreams and dreamwork, especially lucid dreaming, promotes adult growth as can be measured by the SCT-MAP.

If you are interested, please contact:
Dr. Peter Widmer
Untere Rebgasse 27
4058 Basel
Tel.: 061 691 39 37


Dr. Susanne van Doorn is currently recruiting volunteers to share their dreams about their loved lost ones. This qualitative research is gathering information on a variety of variables like dreaming as a social phenomenon, shared dreams about a lost loved one, “visitation dreams” and precognitive dreams. The main aim of the study is to prepare guidance to help the mourning deal with the loss in a way that will balance energy at a healthy level. The results will also be used in a presentation about this subject.
Click here for the survey.


Marilyn Hagar
Jan Johnson
Kathleen Kenneally
Gerwin Meijer
Zeljka Mileusnic
Eric Ponvelle
Carol Williams
Peter Williams
Robert Wilson
Andrea Colman
Dwight Hawai
Kathryn Sermons
Susanne van Doorn
Lilith Apostel
Leslie Ellis
Jennifer Years
Anonymous 6


Richard & Denise Paseman
Cynthia Devlin
Raz Even
Halifridur Ragnheidardottir
Fernanso de Pablos
Brian Scott-Hughes
Maureen Boyd Biro
Anita Leuthold
Peter Widmer
Kirsten Backstorm
Denise Conner
Grethchen Meyer
Leslie Richard
Bonnie Mitsch
Idalina Souza
Ira Barouch
Bambi Corso
Lise Robillard
Karen Bartnicki
Jody Gardner
Julie Taylor
Ken Arenson
Frank Pascoe
Or Hareven
Tony Hawkins
Tad Messenger
Diana Thompson
Josh Black
Anonymous 1


PsiberDreaming conference host, Jean Campbell, hopes you did not miss travels in the Eleventh Dimension.

Over 200 people from more than 20 countries around the globe attended this year's popular PsiberDreaming Conference, with fast-paced discussion about all aspects of psi dreaming. It has been a learning experience for everyone, since several new research theories were introduced.

Though the forum will be closed to discussion after Sunday, October 7, both discussions and conference presentations will be available online until the end of October on a read-only basis. In order to access the conference, you will need to register at www.asdreams.org/psi2012 

For those who are already members:

Register now at: www.asdreams.org/psi2012 
PDC Conference Rates:
General Public $45 (USD)
IASD Members $40
Students with Valid I.D. $30


The Venue • Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center is located on the beach at 2800 Shore Drive in Virginia Beach, Virginia with sweeping views of the Cape Henry bay. The hotel provides complimentary bicycles, a fully-equipped health club, pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and a professional massage service. Located less than a mile from a wildlife sanctuary at First Landing State Park, your experience will include cypress swamp, salt marsh, maritime forest, freshwater wetlands and dunes, as well as the bay shoreline.

The Conference will feature three world-renowned keynote speakers, over 160 presenters from around the globe, an opening reception, the Dream Art Exhibition and reception, a Dream Hike, the annual Dream Telepathy Contest, the ever popular costume Dream Ball, and other fun special events appropriate to the beachside location.

Submissions • High quality proposals are invited addressing any of the following tracks: Research and Theory; Arts and Humanities; Culture and Anthropology; Education; Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy; Clinical Approaches; Dreamwork Practices; Extraordinary, PSI and Lucid Dreams; Dreams and Healing (new track this year); and especially the Dream Castles Conference Theme.

Submission Categories include: Paper Presentations; Symposia; Panels; Workshops; Special Events or Major Presentations; Morning Dream Groups; and Research Hot-off-the-Press and Poster Papers. All submissions must be made online.

Deadline for submissions is 15 December 2012
(1 March 2013 for Hot-off-the-Press and Poster Sessions)

Go to www.asdreams.org/2013 for submission instructions

2013 Confirmed Keynote speakers:

Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is one of only a few masters of the Bön Dzogchen tradition presently living in the West. Tenzin Rinpoche is founder of the Ligmincha Institute near Charlottesville, Virginia, and is author of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.

Kevin Todeschi is the Executive Director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment and Atlantic University. Author of twenty books and a nationally recognized resource on the interpretation of dreams and symbols, Kevin has taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation.


We are looking for Tee Shirt Designs for the 2013 IASD Conference at Virginia Beach: Dream Castles in the Sand. While the design doesn’t have to be a dream sand castle, we will be considering the most appropriate designs for the final selection.

Send your ideas in jpg format to Richard Wilkerson at office@asdreams.org

Final entry date, November 1, 2012. Designs will be chosen early 2013.

We will need a b&w design, though the color of the tee-shirt is still undecided. For now treat as black design on white tee-shirt. We will need to have or add: International Association for the Study of Dreams, and also possibly the year, 2013, and the site, Virginia Beach, Virginia.


This has been a busy month for the Board. We wanted to be sure you were brought up to date on several important developments that have occurred over this past month.

First, we were sad to learn that Laurette Dupuis would no longer be available to serve on the Board. Laurette was Vice President and chair of the Nominating Committee. Therefore, we not only had to fill the Director vacancy but also elect a new Vice President from among the members of the Board.

For the Director vacancy, we followed our standard protocol to consider the IASD member who received the highest number of your votes in this year’s election but was not elected. In this case, that member was Linda Mastrangelo. The Board met and voted to accept Linda as our new Director. Linda also agreed to become the editor of the Dream News, beginning with the current issue. Thank you and welcome, Linda.

For the Vice President vacancy, the Executive Committee met in the absence of a Nominating Committee and unanimously recommended Katja Valli to the Board to serve as VP and Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Board met and voted to elect Katja for these positions. We welcome Katja and look forward to working with her this year. Look for her article seeking nominees for this year’s election to the Board.

You will recall that last month, Jodine Grundy resigned her position as chair of the Regional Events Committee. On behalf of the Board, I wish to publically express our deep appreciation for her fine work in this position. She took the organization to new levels with regional planning and interaction. We all recognize that her shoes will be difficult to fill. However, we are pleased to announce that Susannah Benson and Diane E. Greig (formerly Rickards) asked to be considered as co-chairs of this important committee. The Board again met and accepted Susannah and Diane for this leadership. We congratulate both of them and thank them for taking on this important work.

One of the most fruitful ideas to come from Jody’s leadership was the Regional Representatives Network, made up of members like you who establish a personal connection with current and new members in their regions. I would like to quote a few lines from a message Jody recently sent to the reps. She said, “As the proverbial statement goes, one sows and another reaps: I trust that you and future generations of dreamers within and also outside of IASD will benefit from our activities. I trust that this robust network will self-organize in powerful new ways and I look forward to the flowering and fruiting of this great global dream tree.” If you are not familiar with the regional network and would like to help be a part of this great endeavor, please contact Susannah or Diane. Thank you, Jody, for this great gift to the organization.

Finally, the Board will be holding its fall meeting by telephone on Saturday, October 27, and Sunday, October 28. All members are always welcome at Board meetings. If you are not a current board member or committee chair and wish to attend, please write to me robertgongloff@earthlink.net  or our Secretary, Tracey Kahan TKahan@scu.edu for information on how and when to be part of the meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns that you feel need to be brought to the Board’s attention, please write to me or any officer or director.

Robert P. Gongloff
Board Chair


The IASD Nominating Committee is soliciting recommendations for members to serve on the Board of Directors for the term beginning in July 2013. Nominees should be members in good standing who are willing to serve. Please send your recommendations to Katja Valli, Nominating Committee Chair, at: katval@utu.fi  by December 31, 2012.


We are pleased to announce that the anonymous donor who has generously provided funding for the Student Research Award for the past seven years has graciously agreed to provide matching funds for the 2013 competition! The IASD board of trustees will provide the balance of funds.

As in previous years, there will be two $500 awards. The first is for the best student submission of original scientific research on dreams and dreaming. The second is for the best submission of original historical, literary, artistic, or theoretical research. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to submit papers. Please view the following for additional details: https://asdreams.org/2013/callforstudent/.

All participants must submit their presentations in electronic form, preferably through email to office@asdreams.org or if necessary by mailing the files, copied to a CD or a DVD, to the IASD office by March 15, 2013.

IASD-Student Research
1672 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703 USA
Mark on any mailed box "OK to leave on porch."

Text submissions must not exceed 6,000 words. Participants should submit text in MS Word, and artwork in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf formats.
Participants may also electronically submit videos in AVI formats, or music in MIDI or MPS formats. In the case of papers with multiple authors – in terms of the ideas presented as well as the description of the results – the contestant must indicate clearly, in either the text of the paper or in an accompanying letter, what portions are the submitter’s work.

Submissions must include a copy of your student ID. Alternatively, you can fax a copy to the IASD Office at 1-209-724-0889, or scan and email an attachment to office@asdreams.org Include a note or cover letter that this is for the IASD Student Research Award. Participants must specify which of the two awards they are applying for.

Winners will be announced at the IASD annual conference, which will be held at the Virginia Beach Resort & Conference Center, Virginia Beach, VA, June 21 - 25, during the General Membership Meeting, presently scheduled for Sunday, June 23 at 3:45 pm.

Curtiss Hoffman, Ph.D.
Student Research Awards Chair



It is always a difficult task to speak about oneself. It is as though an inside observer is looking at many different characters, as in the staging of a drama: all have an evident relationship, yet are so different from each other. In my case, one of them is now in Brazil lecturing in systemic psychotherapy; this one of the many “me’s” is also co-director of a school of psychotherapy and a psychotherapist himself. This “me” presently misses the presence of another “me” who likes to play violin for himself, friends and in an amateur orchestra. This “violinist me” is closely connected with another: the “dreaming me.” Yes, these two “me’s” are twins because music and dreams are just two faces of the same reality. At least this is the opinion that the “author/presenter me” tries to argue through presentations, papers and books around the world.

All these “me’s” constantly enjoy the company of another pair of “me’s.” The first one is a “religious me.” I feel a deep attraction to the spiritual side of life and this “me” claims that all our experiences are rooted in a transcendent dimension. And, finally, there is the “family me” who clearly feels that being “me” means to be part of a family.

Certainly, there are many other “me’s” and if you are interested in how all these “me’s” talk, dance and play music together, my presentation at the 2012 PsiberDreaming Conference is a good illustration.

From Membership Chair, Diane E. Greig

Thank you Massimo Schinco, IASD Board member from Italy, for contributing to the Membership News this month. There is still a chance to check out Massimo’s presentation on the dance of dreams and music at the PsiberDreaming Conference until the end of this month.

If you are interested in contributing to the Membership News, please do not hesitate to contact me: degreig2002@yahoo.ca
Be sure to join our Facebook group page. We have 611 friends and growing! In addition, let your Facebook friends know about IASD’s fan page (with 1251 Likes), and its website www.asdreams.org  Also, check out IASD’s new page on Google+.


Susannah Benson, PhD and Diane E. Greig, PhD have been appointed as co-chairs of the IASD regional network.

Susannah Benson: I joined IASD in 1999 and found my home. I am an IASD Board member, regional network committee member, IASD regional representative (Australia) and President of Dream Network Australia. I recently hosted the first Australian IASD Regional Conference.

Diane E. Greig: I am the IASD membership chair and IASD regional representative Canada (BC). I joined IASD in 1998 and discovered a like-minded community -- a mosaic of writers, researchers, therapists, and more-- who were all focused on various aspects of dreaming. I've been recording my dreams for over 30 years. Dreaming has captured my attention and enriched my life.

Regular readers of this column will no doubt want to join us in acknowledging and thanking Jodine Grundy for her long service and passionate, dedicated commitment to growing and extending the regional network which, under her care and leadership, expanded to 66 members.

During Jody’s tenure as IASD regional chair, new regional circles of interest and community have been seeded and nurtured, friendships have developed, language initiatives--which are more inclusive of non-English speaking members-- have been implemented, along with an increase in regional events.

Thank you, Jody, for your vision and for your dedication to realizing the very important function of IASD as an international community dedicated to expanding knowledge about dreams and dreaming. We look forward to continuing and furthering this vision.

Current and Upcoming Regional Events 2012-2013

New England, USA Regional: “The Creative Power of Dreams”
January 12, 2013, Regis College, Weston, MA. Host: Curtiss Hoffman

For millennia, creative people in all cultures have relied upon their dreams for inspiration. Come and celebrate the creative power of dreams at this one-day IASD regional conference! Keynote speakers are Deirdre Barrett, the author of The Committee of Sleep, and Ernest Hartmann, the author of The Nature and Functions of Dreaming. In addition, there will be a performance of excerpts from Curtiss Hoffman’s Gilgamesh Cantata, based on dream texts from C.G. Jung’s Red Book and using musical themes derived from dreams. Additional speakers will present papers on various aspects of dreaming and creativity.

Pre-registration will be available by late October, as well as a more complete listing of speakers and topics and transportation information for getting to Regis College. Registration will be $68 for IASD members, $78 for non-members, and $48 for students and those with limited incomes. This fee includes registration and a catered lunch.

Contact: Curtiss Hoffman, teximus@comcast.net

Colloque Reve III, Montreal Regional Conference
Hotel Auberge Universel, April 13, 2013, Host: Claude Desloges
Program details to be announced.
Contact: Claude Desloges, claude.desloges@videotron.ca

IASD Toronto Dreamers and their guests made up an enthusiastic group of twenty-one at the Toronto Regional event this month. Here’s what representative, Mara Zadoff reported.

Rosemary Gosselin facilitated our optional morning dream group with 16 in attendance. Much care was taken by Rosemary to celebrate the Autumnal Equinox and to honor the dream sharing by including time to reflect, write and share a Haiku of our morning experience.

The potluck lunch was, as always, one of the highlights of the day with an array of delicious and nutritious offerings.

Patti Allen began her presentation with a backgrounder on the Principles and Theoretical Foundations of the Rubenfeld Synergist Method and the relationship to dreams. Using the body as part of the process of understanding one's dreams, rather than only the mind, we received instruction on how to be a witness to the dream by ‘shuttling’ or taking note of how the dreamer and dream manifests in our own bodies. A participant volunteered to share a dream and have Patti do her work while we did our own ‘shuttling’. The dreamwork was followed by Q & A.

Berkeley attendees gave a brief outline of their conference experience. Noted was the encouragement to participate as a volunteer and to apply as a presenter.

The regional business portion of the day, led by Njeri Damali Campbell, focused on identifying the communication needs of the group as a whole and some ‘go forward’ options to discuss.

Regional Representatives Network

Please check the IASD website for up-to-date names and contact information for the regional representative in your area. The Regional Representative webpage is divided into regions, making your search more user-friendly. If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD.

To volunteer to become a Regional Representative, or for corrections or feedback on member contacts, contact Claude Desloges: claude.desloges@videotron.ca

KID LUCID - By Al Moniz

The IASD Dream-News provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor f="mailto:dreamnews@adreams.org"> dreamnews@adreams.org   


The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month.
Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor.

Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text.

The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions.
Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article.

IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following:
individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries.

The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances.
Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed.

IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events
or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops.

To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News:

To change your E-mail address:

Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office: office@asdreams.org

IASD Website:

The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.
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