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IN THIS ISSUE 2015 IASD Annual International Conference, Virginia Beach: Keynotes and Featured Presenters
Deadlines Coming Up for
Poster Submissions Ernest Hartman Student Research Awards IASD Regional News You Can Use ALSO IN THIS ISSUE IASD Celebrates First Year Of DreamTime Digital Delivery Call for Dreams that Changed Our Lives
Contact: IASD CELEBRATES FIRST YEAR OF DREAMTIME DIGITAL DELIVERY ![]() In the next few weeks, IASD members will receive the Winter 2015 issue of DreamTime, now celebrating its first year of digital delivery, as well as hard copy delivery to those members who have selected that option. Thank you for your support in this new venture. The member survey published one year ago indicated that well over half of IASD's membership liked the idea of going digital, and we have done our best to provide this. The comment heard most frequently about DreamTime this year has been: "This is only for IASD members?" Yes, it's true. This lovely magazine is one of the perks of membership, along with out APA journal Dreaming. IASD members receive the very latest information on dream studies, applications of various techniques for working with dreams, and the creative application of dreams to waking life. Want a friend to receive this publication? One way is to invite your dreaming friends to join us by becoming IASD members. They will enjoy IASD as much as you do. WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL YOUR STORY?
Have you had a life changing
dream? Would you like to share it so that others may appreciate the source
of inner wisdom that lies within our dreams? In IASD we support dreaming as
an important part of our growth, healing and learning process and we wish to
illustrate that concept with stories from those who have experienced life
changing insight and guidance from their dreams first hand. IASD is
therefore planning on publishing a book of dream stories and lessons by
those who have experienced life altering changes that were initiated by a
dream – and we would love to hear your story. DREAM ALCHEMY CONFERENCE IN SYDNEY WAS GREAT SUCCESS
The Dream Alchemy conference organized by Dream Network Australia was held in Sydney on November 28-30, 2014 and was attended by 45 participants. It included past IASD president, Robbie Bosnak, and several IASD regional representatives. A key focus of the conference was to explore questions of change and transformation through dreamwork and imagination. The program offered dream groups, papers, workshops, art, dance, movement and films. Susan Murphy gave the opening keynote on ‘What great dream is this?’ Robbie Bosnak presented a keynote presentation on ‘Disrupting habits of consciousness—the innovative alchemy of embodied imagination’.
Susannah Benson and Diane Greig presented a joint workshop on dream alchemy
and the transpersonal perspective. Margaret Bowater, presented on action
methods in dreamwork. The art program offered multiple spaces, indoor and
outdoor, to create and discover. Participants were also invited to
contribute to creating a collective image collage of the rainbow serpent, a
powerful Australian Aboriginal symbol of creation.
In this issue, Hot Off the Press explores the new emerging science of
consciousness. The intention of this column is to publish links to
evidence-based scientific articles that are written for a non-research
audience in the study of dreams.
THE 2015 IASD ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, VIRGINIA BEACH: The general Call for Presentations deadline has now passed. However, the Poster Session submission category is available until February 1, 2015. Call for Dream Inspired Art deadline coming up on February 15, 2015 (see below for application instructions). Online Registration is now available, early bird discounts available until April 1, 2015. Go to www.asdreams.org/2015 for Submission Instructions and to Register. Volunteer Positions have all been filled; however feel free to apply to be placed on the wait list in the event that a few positions open in the next month or so. (See below to apply). We are pleased to announce the confirmation of our keynote speakers and featured presenters (listed below). The Venue • Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center is located on the beach at 2800 Shore Drive in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The hotel is directly on the beach, features rooms with sweeping views of the Cape Henry Bay, and is less than a mile from the wildlife sanctuary at First Landing State Park. The Program • The Conference will feature world-renowned keynote speakers, over 140 presenters from around the globe, an opening reception, the Dream Art Exhibition and Reception, a Dream Hike, the annual PSI Dreaming Contest, and the ever popular costume Dream Ball and other fun special events appropriate to the beachside location. The Program is multidisciplinary with a little something for everyone, professionals as well as those simply interested in dreams.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS AND FEATURED PRESENTERS In addition to over 100 presenters from around the globe, the conference will feature three world-renowned keynote speakers:
Featured Presenters include:
VOLUNTEER POSITIONS are now filled. However, you may apply to be on the wait list as positions may still open if any of the present applicants are unable to register and confirm. Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer for the 2015 IASD Conference in Virginia Beach, June 5—9, 2015.
Most on-site volunteers are needed for various shifts in the hours from
8AM-9PM, 5th through 9th June 2015. See the Schedule at a Glance link on
our conference site for a preview of the planned schedule structure.
Once you apply, you will be sent a letter of acceptance if there is a
position available, and asked to register for the conference by a
certain deadline in order to be confirmed as a volunteer for that
Deadline: February 15, 2015
This year, IASD members and friends have been especially generous, meaning that many programs will be funded that would be impossible without your help: conference scholarships, research grants, the Ernest Hartmann Student Awards, and many others. Thank you from IASD for all the good you bring to dreams! Your contributions are put right to work. This seems a good time also to thank all of the many, generous volunteers who work for IASD as well, providing hours and hours of work toward Regional events, conferences, lectures, management and fun. Thank you to all who share the IASD dream. Donate online at www.asdreams.org/pledge2014 THE ERNEST HARTMANN AWARD FOR STUDENT RESEARCH
From Curtiss Hoffman
Happy New Year! Wishing one and all a very healthy, happy and prosperous
New Year!
Bobbie Ann Pimm, Regional Events Committee Chair As we welcome in 2015, I’d like to thank Susannah Benson and Claude Desloges for the phenomenal work they have done for the Regionals and also for their continued support as I take over as the Regional Events Committee Chair. Their hard work and determination has laid the groundwork to make my job as Chair easier than it might have been. I would also like to thank each of the regional reps for their work in supporting the IASD and spreading the word about the importance of dreams. If anyone has an idea regarding changes that can be made to improve any of our processes or reach a wider audience, I am all ears. Feel free to reach out to me anytime at: bobbie@bobbieann.net A one-day conference: DreamWork: DreamPlay is to be held in New York on April 25, 2015 at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis Greenwich Village. The host for this conference is Lou Hagood. Presenters include: Michael Vannoy Adams, Deirdre Barrett PhD, Fariba Bogzaran PhD, Larry Burk MD, Lou Hagood, Michael P. Jenkins and Robert Waggoner. Full program details and online registration are now available on the IASD website We also wish the Toronto Regional great success on their sold-out event, Illuminating Dreams, upcoming on January 18, 2015! Regional Representatives Network
If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD. To volunteer to become a Regional Representative or for corrections or feedback on member contacts from Regional Reps, contact Bobbie Ann Pimm at bobbie@bobbieann.net
The IASD Dream-News
provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new
articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to
interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free
Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor
dreamnews@asdreams.org THE FINE PRINT: IASD DREAM-NEWS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month. There is no Dream-News published in July. Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor. Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text. The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions. Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article. IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following: individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries. The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances. Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed. IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops. To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News: http://enews.kintera.org/ To change your E-mail address: http://AddressChangeForm.kintera.org/ Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office: office@asdreams.org IASD Website: https://asdreams.org |
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The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. |
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