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AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 13 / ISSUE 07 |
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IN THIS ISSUE 2015 PsiberDreaming Conference: Registration Now Open, Spanish Chat and Call for Art Call for Research Grant Proposals ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Dreams that Changed Our Lives Update
The IASD book Dreams that Change our Lives deadline has now passed; however, if you missed it but have an interesting life changing dream we are still open to a few post-deadline stories, space permitting. Keep an eye on the newsletter announcement as we may from time to time do a call for additional stories that fit certain themes if we have a specific need. Click here to submit post-deadline stories. We want to give a heartfelt thank you all who have participated in the effort so far, by opening your hearts to share you delightful and inspiring dreams and stories. At this point we are beginning the process of compiling the stories into themes which will form our chapters, selecting the candidate stories which will fit into this publication, and confirming chapter authors. We will have a lot of editing and organizing to do so the process will take some time, but the effort should be rewarding when completed. LUCID DREAMING PRESENTATIONS IN ISRAEL
IASD member Robert Waggoner spoke on lucid dreaming at two universities
in Israel. On May 18, he spoke at Tel Aviv University to an audience of
180 people, along with the event’s host, Dr. Shulamit Kreitler,
Professor Emerita, and graduate student, Nili Bergida. A thirty minute
question and answer period followed the talk. IASD MEMBERS FEATURED IN UPCOMING NEW “CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL” BOOK
As indicated in our past newsletters and notices,
IASD worked with the Chicken Soup for the Soul publishers in a cooperate
effort to assist in the publication of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams
and Premonitions – which we are proud to announce is now due out in
September. It contains many heart-warming stories from a number of IASD
members who sent in their stories. Here is list of the following IASD
members who contributed to this publication: Walter Berry Jane
E. Carleton, Marcia Emery, Patricia Garfield , Rebecca Hill, Bob Hoss,
Robert Moss, Sharon Pastore, Tina Tau, Kelly Sullivan Walden and Debbie
Dream Digging Guide 1: Discover the Messages in Your Dreams with the
Ullman Method written by Dr. Janet S. Wahl is now on Amazon in both
print and Kindle versions. Each step of the Ullman process is explained
with examples so it is accessible to dream group leaders, beginners, and
professionals. A chapter devoted to Monte’s memory is filled with
personal stories from the author’s fifteen-year experience as a
participant in Monte’s dream groups and leadership workshops. Go to
amazon.com on August 14 and 15, 2015, to download the free
The highly anticipated book Wake Up to Your
Dreams launches August 5, 2015. Author and IASD member
Justina Lasley reveals her inspiring personal story of change
and transformation, and explains how dreams have impacted her life in
countless positive ways. She also shares others’ unique stories, dreams
and personal growth.
In this issue, Hot Off the Press explores inducing lucid dreams. The
intention of this column is to publish links to evidence-based scientific
articles that are written for a non-research audience in the study of
dreams. |
Please send questions to the art gallery team: psiart@asdreams.org
Call for Presentations to Open in September 2015 Submission Deadline: December 15, 2015
Venue • The location is the very beautiful 12th century Rolduc
Abbey conference facility in Kerkrade in the southern part of the
Netherlands. The site is situated on the Dutch-German border, close to
several international airports, including those in Germany and Belgium,
providing ease of international travel and sightseeing for those who
wish to enjoy touring before and after the conference. We warmly invite
you to attend. Mark your calendars now for next year’s very special
conference. Submissions • The program is multi-disciplinary, therefore high quality proposals are invited that fall into any of the following tracks: Research and Theory; Clinical Approaches; Dreamwork Practices; Arts and Humanities; Education; Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy; Extraordinary, PSI and Lucid Dreams; Dreams and Health; Culture and History; Mental Imagery. We plan a special Dutch language track which may contain many of these disciplines as well. Submission Categories include: Paper Presentations; Symposia; Panels; Workshops; Special Events; Morning Dream Groups; and Poster Papers. IASD encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply and to be sensitive to matters of diversity and disability in their submissions and presentations. Submissions to the Dutch language tack may include: pre-organized Symposia and Panel submissions, Workshops, Morning Dream Groups and Poster Papers. All submissions must be made online at www.asdreams.org/2016. AWARDS PRESENTED TO THREE OUTSTANDING STUDENT PAPERS Curtiss Hoffman, Student Research Awards Committee Chair
Each year, thanks to a generous grant from an anonymous donor, IASD is
able to award students $500 cash prizes for outstanding papers on dreams
and dreaming. The evaluation of the student papers is done by the
Student Awards Committee, and we are able to award in two categories:
quantitative research and qualitative research. Awardees are required to
present their research paper, either at a subsequent IASD full or
mini-conference, or via publication in Dreaming or DreamTime.
For those thinking about submitting a Dream Research Grant Proposal, the
deadline is October 15, 2015 for this grant cycle. The process is
slightly different this year in that we will be reviewing final
proposals instead of Letters of Intent as in the past. Grants are
offered through a partnership between IASD and the DreamScience
foundation (DSF).
PS formats. In the case of papers with multiple authors – in terms of
the ideas presented as well as the description of the results – the
contestant must indicate clearly, in either the text of the paper or in
an accompanying letter, what portions are the submitter’s work.
Bobbie Ann Pimm, Regional Events Committee Chair I regret to report that Mara Zadnoff
has asked to step down in her role as Regional Rep for the Toronto
region. She is hoping it will only be temporary and will be available,
if needed. Regional Representatives Network
If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD. To volunteer to become a Regional Representative or for corrections or feedback on member contacts from Regional Reps, contact Bobbie Ann Pimm at bobbie@bobbieann.net
The IASD Dream-News
provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new
articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to
interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free
Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor
dreamnews@asdreams.org THE FINE PRINT: IASD DREAM-NEWS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month. There is no Dream-News published in June 2015. Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor. Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text. The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions. Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article. IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following: individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries. The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances. Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed. IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops. To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News: http://enews.kintera.org/ To change your E-mail address: http://AddressChangeForm.kintera.org/ Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office: office@asdreams.org IASD Website: https://asdreams.org |
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The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. |
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