APRIL 2016
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2016 IASD Annual International Conference at Kerkrade, the Netherlands:

Early Registration is April 15

Buy a Conference Ad: Deadline April 20

Board Nominations: Time to Vote

Regional News You Can Use


Greetings from Our New Membership Chair

The Ernest Hartmann Award for Student Research Deadline April 15

Members Around the World

Hot off the Press

March Membership Total: 60

IASD Office

Linda H. Mastrangelo, Editor
Janet Garrett, Copy Editor
Laura Atkinson, Design and Layout
Richard Wilkerson, IASD Office Manager
Jean Campbell, Executive Committee Advisor
Robert P. Gongloff, Editorial Consultant

Membership News
Sherry Puricelli, Chair


Hi Dreamers –

Because of my heartfelt gratitude to IASD, I recently accepted the position of Membership Chair. I know I’m not alone in my dream for our organization’s continued ability to thrive and give back in the years to come.

Because of IASD:

• People everywhere are talking about dreams
• We belong to a professionally-affiliated organization that researches, teaches, utilizes, and celebrates dreams
• Personal and professional opportunities for dreamers continue to open up
• We have multiple occasions to learn about dreams from a variety of perspectives
• We are part of a tribe of people from all over the world who value dreams in our society

In essence, we are the future of IASD.

Now I’d like to hear from you. What do you appreciate most about IASD? How can we work together to grow our membership? Please send your responses to awakendream@ymail.com

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to our new members!  


Would you like to continue to support IASD? Try AmazonSmile, an easy way to give money without the stress.  Click on this link http://smile.amazon.com   and sign up. Every time you make a purchase on Amazon, .05% goes to our organization. If you have other clever suggestions on how to raise money for IASD, please let us know.



From Curtiss Hoffman, Student Research Awards Chair

We are pleased to announce that the anonymous donor who generously provided funding for the Student Research Award last year has graciously agreed to provide matching funds for the 2016 competition! The IASD Board of Trustees will provide the balance of funds.

Click here for submission details.

As in previous years, there will be two $500 awards. The first is for the best student submission of original scientific research on dreams and dreaming. The second is for the best submission of original historical, literary, artistic, or theoretical research. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to submit papers. Please view this page for additional details.

All participants must submit their presentations in electronic form, preferably through email to office@asdreams.org or if necessary by snail-mailing the files, copied to a CD or a DVD, to the IASD office by April 1 or emailing materials by April 15, 2016.

IASD-Student Research
1672 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703 USA

Mark on any mailed box "OK to leave on porch."

Participants may also electronically submit videos in AVI formats, or music in MIDI or MPS formats. In the case of papers with multiple authors – in terms of the ideas presented as well as the description of the results – the contestant must indicate clearly, in either the text of the paper or in an accompanying letter, what portions are the submitter’s work. Research which has been published prior to the submissions deadline is not eligible for this award.

Submissions must include a copy of the participant’s student ID. Alternatively, a copy can be faxed to the IASD Office at 1-209-724-0889, or scanned and emailed as an attachment to office@asdreams.org A note or cover letter should be included to indicate that this is for the IASD Student Research Award. Participants must specify which of the two awards they are applying for.

Winners will be announced at the IASD annual conference, which will be held at the beautiful Rolduc Abbey in Kerkrade, The Netherlands, from June 24 – 28, 2016, during the General Membership Meeting. Check the schedule of conference events to find out the exact date and time.


IASD member Susanne van Doorn recently gave a presentation about dreaming together with neurologist Ysbrand van der Werf. The subject of the presentation was the balance that seems to be lost in current society. Everything has to be measurable, rational. The world needs the magic of dreams. In an audience filled with interested people lots of questions were asked about the neurology of dreaming and the meaning of dreams.

Susanne runs Mindfunda.com and shares her wisdom through blogging and online coursework. Mindfunda has Youtube channel where you can watch interviews with many IASD members, like Stanley Krippner, Jean Raffa, and upcoming keynote speaker Anne Baring.

In this issue of Hot Off the Press we will spring forward by focusing on dreams of the gifted. The intention of this column is to publish links to evidence-based scientific articles on the study of dreams that are written for a non-research audience.


Ironically, Otto Loewi is better known for the way in which he came upon the idea that won him the Nobel Prize than for the discovery itself. Loewi's prize-winning experiment came to him in a dream.



One November night in the 1870s, legendary Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky (November 11, 1821–February 9, 1881) discovered the meaning of life in a dream — or, at least, the protagonist in his final short story did.


TOTAL MARCH New and Renewing Members = 60


Antonio Ambrogetti
Charlotte Underwood
Alessandra Cassinelli
Christina Hubbard
Carolina Podio
Kiran Anumalasetty
Thomas Cushman
Kathy Dirks
Esdras Etrenne
Gale Henrard
Katie Mason
4 Anonymous

Many thanks to our renewing members:


David Gordon
Patricia Schmieg
Sherry Puricelli
Gail Friend
Victor Garlock
Holly Benzenhafer
Wojciech Owczarski
Patti Allen
Diane Greig
Donald Child
John Ettlie
Kevin Todeschi
Therezinha Leite
Richard Russo
Kenneth Arenson
Mark Blagrove
Bhaskar Banerji
Luciano Morselli
Curtiss Hoffman
Sven Doehner
Steven Pilgram
Beth Scanzani
Cynthia Devlin
Suzanne Bergmann
Maria Carla Cernuto
Liz Diaz
Angel Morgan
Bobbie Ann Pimm
Travis Wernet
Jean-Marc Emden
Judy Knight
Joshua Black
Sheila Asato
Arnold Hook
Johanne LaRocque
Rachel Norment
Lynette Papp
Frances Kramer
Mena Potts
Patrick James
Judith White
Melinda Ziemer
Velva Heraty
2 Anonymous

• REGISTER NOW - the April 15, 2016 deadline for the early-bird discount is almost here – go to www.asdreams.org/2016/registration/ to register

• Interest in the conference has been high, resulting in rooms at Rolduc filling early – however there are many small hotels with good rates nearby in Kerkrade or just across the border – go to www.asdreams.org/2016/accommodations/ for information.

• Conference Ads – due date April 20, 2016

VENUE • The location is the very beautiful 12th century Rolduc Abbey conference facility in Kerkrade in the southern part of the Netherlands. The site is situated on the Dutch-German border, close to several international airports, providing ease of international travel and sightseeing for those who wish to enjoy touring before and after the conference. We warmly invite you to attend. Mark your calendars now for next year’s very special conference.

PROGRAM • The program will feature world-renowned keynote speakers and over 130 presenters from around the globe, an opening reception, a Dream Art Exhibition and Reception, the annual Psi Dreaming Contest, and the ever popular costume Dream Ball and other special events appropriate to enjoyment of the location.

Anne Baring is a Jungian analyst and author or co-author of 7 books including The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; The Mystic Vision; The Divine Feminine; Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity and The Dream of the Cosmos: a Quest for the Soul. Her work is grounded in a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures.

Antti Revonsuo, PhD: Towards a Unified Science of Dreaming and Consciousness. Antti Revonsuo, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist, psychologist, and philosopher of mind, and serves as a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Skövde in Sweden and of Psychology at the University of Turku in Finland. His work focuses on philosophy of consciousness, visual awareness, and altered states of consciousness in general and dreaming in particular. He is well known for his Threat Simulation Theory of dreaming.

Hubert Hermans: The Dream as a Meaningful Experience in a Developing Dialogical Self. Hubert Hermans is professor emeritus at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is best known as the creator of Dialogical Self Theory. He is president of the International Society for Dialogical Science and editor-in-chief of the International Journal for Dialogical Science. He is author of the book Between Dreaming and Recognition Seeking: The Emergence of a Dialogical Self Theory and uses dreams in his psychotherapeutic work.

Frank Bosman: Playing the Dream: On Dream and Narrative in Modern-day Digital Games. The cultural theologian Dr. Frank G. Bosman is a senior researcher at the Tilburg Cobbenhagen Center, Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He is author of God Loves a Joke and many articles and three books on culture and religion. In 2011 he was voted the first 'most acclaimed theologian’ in the country. In his lecture he explores how dreams in video game scenes provoke the player to contemplate the concept of reality.

Keith Hearne:
Obtaining Messages from the ‘Unconscious.’ Keith Hearne, PhD, is a researcher and psychologist from Britain, who pioneered the first sleep laboratory research into ‘lucid’ dreaming at Liverpool University (1975-1978). He devised the ocular-signaling technique from REM sleep and invented the ‘dream machine’ for inducing lucidity. That device and the first chart-record of eye-signals are on permanent display at the Science Museum in London.

Martin Dresler: Cognitive Neuroscience of Lucid Dreaming. Martin Dresler, PhD, is an Assistant Professor for Cognitive Neuroscience at the Radboud University Medical Centre and Donders Institute in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He holds Master degrees in Psychology and Philosophy, a PhD from Philipps University Marburg, and performed postdoctoral research on sleep, dreams, and memory function at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Oxford University and Stanford University.

Jan Taal: The Three Stages of Imagination. Jan Taal is a psychologist trained in Assagioli’s psychology of psychosynthesis. He founded the School voor Imaginatie (School for Imagination) in Amsterdam, as well as the Cancer Foundation. He trains therapists, coaches and counsellors in working with inner images and guided or active imagery in many fields of work, from therapy and health care (cancer care), to coaching, human resources and management development.


Highlight your presence at the 2016 IASD Conference by advertising in the annual conference program.

Do you have a product or business to promote? Do you host a dream group? Are you an artist who would like to reach out to an international audience? Do you offer ongoing workshops? Are you one of the 90 published authors who belong to IASD?

If your ad has not yet been included in the program, don’t get left out again this year. You can provide us with camera-ready artwork – or with advanced notice, we will assign a designer to create your ad for you (for an additional fee.)

The annual conference program is handed out to every conference attendee and contains key information on events, schedule of sessions, workshops, and much more. Attendees constantly refer to the program on-site and hold onto it for future reference, generating multiple impressions for advertisers. Not all conference attendees are IASD members, so advertising in the conference program increases your exposure.

Materials deadline is April 20, 2016!

For information about advertising specifications and pricing, please click here.

Listen to the Interviews with some of Our Keynotes and Invited Speakers

Two Radio Shows have engaged some of our 2016 conference invited presenters and personalities in interviews that are available for you to listen to. The details and information for listening and/or logging on to those interview archives are listed below – both recent shows and upcoming schedules.

ShrinkRap Radio

David Van Nuys, PhD and Professor Emeritus at Sonoma State University, hosts this podcast which is in its10th year with enthusiastic listeners in 195 countries.

To Listen to the Interviews: Go to www.ShrinkRapRadio.com If you don’t immediately see the interview by scrolling down through the guests, there is a search box in the upper right-hand corner on the website home page.

Type in the name of the interviewee you are seeking and it should take you right to that episode. Since these interviews are recorded, you’ll be able to listen to them at any time once they go up.

Interview Schedule:

February 25 - Anne Baring, Jungian Analyst and author of 7 books including award winning The Dream of the Cosmos. This is posted as podcast #495 – In Search of The Divine Feminine with Jungian Analyst Anne Baring

March 3 - Hubert Hermans, professor emeritus of Clinical and Personality Psychology at Radboud University in the Netherlands. Keynote presentation: The Dream as a Meaningful Experience in a Developing Dialogical Self

March 24 - Professor Antti Revonsuo, PhD, cognitive neuroscientist, psychologist, and philosopher of mind. Keynote presentation: Towards a Unified Science of Dreaming and Consciousness

Dreams Unzipped with Kelly Walden

Dreams Unzipped is hosted by clinical hypnotherapist and bestselling author, Kelly Sullivan Walden. The show airs live on 1150 KKNW in Seattle from 10-11 am PST every Friday or you can also listen live from the internet by clicking here.

To Listen to the Archived Interviews with our 2016 IASD Conference Presenters click here to scroll down until you see the interview.

Interview Schedule:

February 19 (with regular appearances) – Robert Hoss, IASD Conference Manager, presenting brief “factoids” about dreaming as one might find in more depth in our 2016 conference tracks, plus periodic updates on the Conference.

February 25 - Anne Baring, Jungian Analyst and author of 7 books including award winning The Dream of the Cosmos.

May 20 - Martin Dresler, PhD, is an Assistant Professor for Cognitive Neuroscience at the Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and an expert on the cognitive neuroscience of lucid dreaming.

Other conference presenters and IASD personalities who are scheduled include: Walter Berry on March 4, Deirdre Barrett, PhD on April 1, Jeremy Taylor on April 22 and of course Kelly Walden the host.


Laurel Clark
Vice-President and Chair, Nominating Committee

Vote for IASD Board Members now! Each year, five member-elected board members complete their three-year terms as directors. At its February 2016 meeting the IASD Board of Directors approved the slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee for the five vacancies effective this coming June.

NOTE: Only current members of IASD can vote for Board Members.

The 2016 IASD Nominating Committee has invited the following seven members to run for the five three-year board positions that will be vacated as of the June board meeting: Susannah Benson (Australia), Louis Hagood (USA), Curt Hoffman (USA), Ed Kellogg (USA), Sherry Puricelli (USA), Katja Valli (Finland), Susanne van Doorn (Netherlands). From a field of seven candidates, five will be selected by vote of the IASD membership to serve three-year terms. Selectees (those five with the highest number of votes by the membership) for member-elected board positions will be announced at the General Membership Meeting to be held at the Netherlands conference, Sunday, June 26, 2016.

The Nominating Committee communicated and deliberated to arrive at a slate of board nominees who are interested and available, and who reflect gender and geographical diversity as well as a wide range of skills and knowledge.

Additionally, the IASD Board of Directors has approved the slate of members to fill the open vacancies in the IASD officer positions, as recommended by the Nominating Committee. Following is the list of prospective officers who will serve for 2016-2017: President, Laurel Clark; Board Chair, Scott Sparrow; Vice President, Melinda Ziemer; Secretary, Joy Fatooh; and Treasurer, Robert Waggoner.

According to the IASD Bylaws, the Board of Directors may appoint between four and seven members to be directors. The Nominations Committee recommended one nominee for a board-appointed position: Laurel Clark. The other board-appointed positions are currently filled. At the February Board meeting, the Board accepted the recommendation. The Board will adopt the slate of officer nominees at its annual meeting, the first conference Board meeting to be held Friday, June 24, 2016. All officers and new board members will assume their positions at this first board meeting.

IASD Members who want to vote online need to have signed the Electronic Consent Form FIRST

To cast your vote please visit 2016 Time to Vote (you will need a password). 

Susannah Benson, IASD President

Hello Everyone,

I hope that those of you in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the return of spring while those of us in the southern hemisphere can appreciate the cooler months of autumn. Just a reminder if you are thinking of attending this year’s annual conference in Rolduc, the early-bird registration closes on April 15.

Leading up to the annual conference, we have an exciting and varied program of regional events planned in Montreal, New York, San Diego and Toronto. On April 17 the Toronto Regional Reps, Jeanne Van Bronkhorst, Ange Freisen and Toronto Events Committee are hosting a one-day conference event: Dreaming Hearts, Dreaming Cultures. This conference explores dreams and dreaming through three distinct cultural lenses: Egyptian/Islamic, Western/Judeo-Christian, and Tibetan/Buddhist, alongside a time to connect with our individual dreaming heritage and traditions. Presenters include: Angela Sumegi, Amira Mittermaier, Patti Allen, and Njeri Damali Campbell. Full details are available on the IASD website.

New York Regional Event Update: On the Radio—the Dreamer who Dreams. Last year’s regional conference in New York was one of our most popular regional events and we anticipate this conference will also be very popular. This conference explores: what is the source of dreams? Is there a dreamer who dreams and broadcasts like a radio station, and a dreamer who receives like a radio set? James Grotstein, the psychoanalyst, who died last year, proposed in his book, ‘Who is the Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream’ that there is a divine dreamer and a mortal dreamer who understands. Presenters include: Fariba Bogzaran, Daniel Deslauriers, Lou Hagood, and Robert Waggoner.

To read about all our upcoming regional events and to register visit: https://asdreams.org/regionals/

Regional Events Calendar

More details about these regional conferences
can be found on the Regionals Website

Toronto Regional Event:

Dreaming Hearts, Dreaming Cultures takes place on Sunday April 17, 2016 at the YMCA, 20 Grosvenor St., Toronto. Dreaming is something human beings do around the world, but how we think about our dreams – how we talk about them, trust them, and find meaning in them – is nested within culture. Culture is as close as our hearts and as wide as an entire civilization. Dreaming Hearts, Dreaming Cultures explores dreams and dreaming through three distinct cultural lenses: Egyptian/Islamic, Western/Judeo-Christian, and Tibetan/Buddhist, alongside a time to connect with our individual dreaming heritage and traditions. Click here for more information.

San Diego Regional Conference

The Dreaming World: Creating Local and Global Dream Communities. Saturday, May 7, 2016, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 1216 Cave St, La Jolla, CA. Full details and registration will are available on the IASD website.

Montreal Regional Conference

The Montreal Regional Conference Committee announces its 5th Regional IASD Dream Conference to be held on Saturday, 7 May 2016. https://asdreams.org/regionals/2016-7-may-2016-montreal/

New York Regional Conference

This conference hosted by Lou Hagood explores the possibilities of communication between a Self, either internal or external, and an ego in a dream. Presenters include: Fariba Bogzaran, Daniel Deslauriers, Lou Hagood, and Robert Waggoner. https://asdreams.org/regionals/2016-may-new-york-city-regional

Please check the IASD website for up-to-date names and contact information for the regional representative in your area. The Regional Representative webpage is divided into regions, making your search more user-friendly.

If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD.

We are also looking for a Regional Events Chair.

If you are interested in joining either of these committees and would like to learn more about the role of the committee chair please contact me.

Susannah Benson
IASD President

The IASD Dream-News provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor dreamnews@asdreams.org


The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month.
There is no Dream-News published in June 2015.
Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor.

Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text.

The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions.
Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article.

IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following:
individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries.

The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances.
Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed.

IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events
or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops.

To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News:

To change your E-mail address:

Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office: office@asdreams.org

IASD Website:
The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.
About IASD | About Dreams | E-Study Groups | IASD Ethics Policy | DreamTime Radio Show | Membership Information |Dream Time Magazine |Dreaming Journal