IASD Ethical Guidelines The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Its purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. Abbreviated Ethical StatementThe International Association for the Study of Dreams acknowledges the value and importance of the study of dreams and recognizes the responsibility inherent in such study and its consequent applications. The Association encourages its members to exemplify the highest standards of ethical behavior in whatever involvement they may have with dreams. Members are thus encouraged to do their utmost to respect the rights and dignity of other persons; to be honest, accurate and open-minded in the presentation of information and ideas; to insure privacy and confidentiality in dealing with clients, research subjects or members of the general public; and to prevent and avoid any situation where a conflict of interest may compromise the capacity for making prudent and objective decisions and responses. In keeping with these broad principles, the Association considers it unethical, at its own conferences and programs, for members to use direct solicitation or persuasion for economic or self aggrandizement. Presenters are expected to be honest and accurate in the communication of their own credentials and competencies.
IASD DREAMWORK ETHICS STATEMENT IASD celebrates the many benefits of dreamwork, yet recognizes that there are potential risks. IASD supports an approach to dreamwork and dream sharing that respects the dreamer's dignity and integrity, and which recognizes the dreamer as the decision-maker regarding the significance of the dream. Systems of dreamwork that assign authority or knowledge of the dream's meanings to someone other than the dreamer can be misleading, incorrect, and harmful. Ethical dreamwork helps the dreamer work with his/her own dream images, feelings, and associations, and guides the dreamer to more fully experience, appreciate, and understand the dream. Every dream may have multiple meanings, and different techniques may be reasonably employed to touch these multiple layers of significance. A dreamer's decision to share or discontinue sharing a dream should always be respected and honored. The dreamer should be forewarned that unexpected issues or emotions may arise in the course of the dreamwork. Information and mutual agreement about the degree of privacy and confidentiality are essential ingredients in creating a safe atmosphere for dream sharing. Dreamwork outside a clinical setting is not a substitute for psychotherapy, or other professional treatment, and should not be used as such. IASD recognizes and respects that there are many valid and time-honored dreamwork traditions. We invite and welcome the participation of dreamers from all cultures. There are social, cultural, and transpersonal aspects to dream experience. In this statement we do not mean to imply that the only valid approach to dreamwork focuses on the dreamer's personal life. Our purpose is to honor and respect the person of the dreamer as well as the dream itself, regardless of how the relationship between the two may be understood.
Prepared by the IASD Ethics Committee
If your site and dreamwork activities comply with this statement, we recommend linking here to https://asdreams.org/ethics.htm#dreamwork_ethics You can find buttons that say "We Follow IASD Ethics" at the Dreamwork Ethics Buttons site. You can build your own dreamwork ethics statement with the following template: Dreamwork Ethics Template
IASD Short Mission Statement
This corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation law for charitable purposes. The specific purposes for which this corporation is organized are to promote scientific research into the study of dreams and to provide an educational forum for the interdisciplinary exchange of such information among the scientific and professional community and the general public. The means for promoting scientific research and providing such education include, but are not limited to, conducting workshops and conferences available to both interested professionals and the general public and to periodically publish research related to studies into dreaming. IASD Extended Mission Statement from the Bylaws: The primary objectives and purposes of this association shall be: For more information and complete IASD Bylaws, see 2008 Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
Statement of Ethical
Concerns In articulating a statement of ethical concerns
regarding the study of dreams, the members of the Association for
the Study of Dreams acknowledge not only the value and importance
of the personal and professional study and use of dreams but also
the responsibility inherent in such study and use. The
Association also recognizes that, since the study and application
of dreams is undertaken in such diverse contexts, it is neither
possible nor appropriate to set forth specific standards for the
proper enactment of this responsibility. Nevertheless, the
Association does wish to establish and make clear its
expectations regarding its own membership. To begin it should be understood that while
membership in The International Association for the Study of Dreams clearly
indicates an interest in this study, this membership should not
be taken to imply competence in any given field of the study or
application of dreams. Nor should membership in the Association,
which is open to anyone, be taken to imply any endorsement
whatsoever of the activities of those persons maintaining such
membership. Nevertheless, it is expected that all members
of The International Association for the Study of Dreams will do their utmost
to respect the rights and dignity of other persons in whatever
formal or informal involvement they may have with dreams. It is
expected that members will make every effort to insure the
welfare both of those persons who may seek their services as well
as of those persons whose assistance or participation members
themselves may seek in their own dream related activities.
Furthermore, IASD members who are researchers and practitioners
are expected to be familiar with and conduct all of their
professional activities in accordance with the established
standards of their respective professions. In addition to these general ethical
requirements of its members, the Association hereby makes clear
its intention to establish and uphold three basic principles with regard to its own functions and to the conduct of
those who are involved in carrying out these functions. Such
functions include but are not limited to the Annual International
Dream Conference, local programming, IASD sponsored professional
presentations and media coverage associated with any of the above
activities. Principle 1: The Upholding
of Honesty, Accuracy and Openness All invited speakers and presenters for IASD
functions or programs as well as all officers, board members and
other persons serving IASD in any official or unofficial capacity
are expected to make every reasonable effort to insure the
presentation of accurate, complete information and the free
exchange of ideas and alternate points of view. More concretely,
this general principle may be understood to include but not be
limited to the presentation of one's own credentials,
competencies, training and education as well as one's own
activities whether these be scientific, academic, social or
clinical in nature. This principle may also be taken to include
but not be limited to the presentation of accurate, unbiased
information and resources regarding dreams and dreaming whenever
a member offers or participates in any IASD functions. Principle 2: The Avoidance
of Conflict of Interest All invited speakers, presenters and workshop
leaders for IASD functions as well as all officers, board members
and other persons serving IASD in any official or unofficial
capacity are expected to make every reasonable effort to avoid
situations which may present a conflict of interest or which may
compromise their ability to make objective and responsible
decisions. These persons shall not unduly exploit their
responsibilities with and for the Association for the Study of
Dreams nor their involvement in any IASD related program or
function to further their own personal, political or business
interests. Such undue exploitation of their association and
responsibilities with IASD may be understood to include but not be
limited to the active solicitation of clients for private
practice; the use of position, trust or dependency to engage in
sexual harassment or activity; and the concerted pursuit or
acceptance of immoderate material or financial gain. Principle 3: The Insurance
of Informed Consent, Privacy and Confidentiality All invited speakers, presenters and workshop
leaders are expected, in all IASD activities, to obtain free and
informed consent for any participation required by or offered to
others. It is understood that such consent involves an adequate
disclosure of purposes, requirements, benefits and risks of the
activity in question and that such consent not be obtained under
conditions which may be perceived as threatening or coercive.
Furthermore, it is expected that all invited speakers, presenters
and workshop leaders will, in all IASD activities, respect the
privacy of others and take every reasonable step to insure that
personal information gained while engaging in these activities be
kept confidential.
CRITERIA FOR DREAM WORK TRAINING We, the Board of The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), therefore
adopt and recommend the following fundamental principles and elements as
necessary for any adequate training program for professional work with dreams. These criteria are designed to apply to practitioners whose practice is
exclusively or mainly focused on work with dreams. To the extent that other
practitioners include work with dreams as part of their practice, these
guidelines should also apply to them. Formal human service work utilizing dreamwork, as defined above, should
conform to all existing regional and national laws regulating the practice of
health, mental health, pastoral counseling or spiritual direction. The
publication of these criteria is not to be considered as an endorsement by IASD
of a particular training paradigm, nor are they to be considered as
qualifications or grounds for certification for serving the role of
psychotherapist, counselor, educator, or group facilitator in interpretation of
dreams for the purposes of providing psychotherapy, growth, or spiritual
guidance for others. (2) In accordance with this basic Statement of Ethics, any program training
people to work with dreams should emphasize that all dreams may have multiple
meanings and layers of significance. Programs which offer to train people to
work professionally with dreams (i.e., responsibly, for pay) are free to
emphasize one particular technique or theory over others, but in order to
achieve minimum standards for adequate professional training, these programs
must expose their students and trainees to a representative variety of different
techniques and theoretical models that include an overview of current approaches
in the field, and an historical and crosscultural perspective of human studies
and therapeutic approaches to dreams. (3) Any program training people to work with dreams should include a
significant component of an adequately supervised practicum, face-to-face work
with dreams, both one-to-one with individuals, and facilitating group
experiences. As electronic media become more and more a feature of our lives,
IASD wishes to encourage dreamwork training programs to extend this supervised
practicum component to include telephonic, computer-linked, and other
"media" as well, always making sure that these training experiences
are carefully supervised by thoroughly skilled practitioners. (4) At the outset, any program training people to work with dreams should
have clearly stated written goals, as well as clearly stated written policies
regarding the evaluation of student/trainee progress and performance. (5) Any program training people to work with dreams should focus serious
attention on the universal propensity of people to naively attribute their own
less-than-conscious values, feelings, ideas, and judgments to others. (6) Any program training people to work with dreams should require its
students to have done substantial work on their own dreams with qualified
practitioners, and to commit themselves to ongoing personal dreamwork with
qualified practitioners and supervisors. (7) A program should assure that the practitioner has at least some basic
knowledge of related fields, such as group dynamics, psychology, psychiatry,
medicine. These additional areas of knowledge should be detailed enough to
ensure as far as possible that no harm is done to the dreamer or group member
through errors of omission or commission by the practitioner. In addition, any
program training people to work with dreams should require its students or
established practitioners to be alert to signs of and to obtain assistance for
their personal problems at an early stage, in order to prevent significantly
impaired performance. When students or established practitioners become aware of
personal problems that may interfere with their performing work-related duties
adequately, they should take appropriate measures, such as obtaining
professional consultation or assistance, and determine whether they should
limit, suspend, or terminate their work-related duties. (8) When dreamwork is done to help persons with any psychological problems,
the practitioner should have an appropriate professional degree and license in
addition to the dreamwork training. (9) Any program training people to work with dreams should offer and require
a minimum familiarity with the history of dreamwork, not just as a preoccupation
of Western culture, but as a world-wide phenomenon. Once again, professional
dreamwork training and education programs are free to emphasize one element of
this diverse history over others, (e.g., the Western medical/psychiatric
tradition of dream exploration), but they must also present the student/trainee
with a sufficiently diverse historical overview that includes exposure to at
least some of the aboriginal and non-European traditions that view dreaming as
means of communion with realms of spirit. It is recognized that the meaning and
use of dreams may differ across and within cultures. When there are ethnic
and/or cultural differences between the dreamer and the counselor,
psychotherapist, dreamwork teacher, or spiritual guide these should be attended
to and respected. Discussion of, sensitivity to, and respect for cultural
differences both within and among cultures should not only be observed but
considered an opportunity for greater communication and understanding. (10) Although dreamwork training for specialists (such as medical
practitioners, therapists, social workers, etc.) will require further training
beyond these basic areas, even specialized education and training in working
with dreams should conform to the fundamental principles outlined here. Those
who are licensed or regulated by regional or national requirements must follow
those requirements for training and practice in specialty areas in addition to
the guidelines described herein. (11) Those trained in dreamwork must demonstrate continued formal and
informal study in their areas of expertise to refresh old skills and keep
abreast with important developments in the field. It is recommended that a
minimum of 15 hours per year be devoted to enhancing or reviewing areas of
skills. Formal course work at accredited institutions, workshops with highly
qualified practitioners, or continuing education offered by the Association for
the Study of Dreams are ways to meet this requirement.
(Adopted by the 2001 [I]ASD Board of Directors)