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Appointment With The Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis
A Film by David Blum



I have studied and meditated on David Blum’s extraordinary documentation of his dreams and inner work – the immense gifts that were given to him from his unconscious and poured into images and music. We are intrigued on all levels – emotional, imaginal, intellectual. Our hearts are split open as we watch the process of the inner marriage.

Marion Woodman.

David Blum's creative engagement with recurring cancer activated, not a physical cure, but a healing opening into an inner world of beauty, depth and meaning brought to conscious life. This journey to wholeness, the "miracle" he speaks of, is passed onto us as psycho-spiritual legacy. David's inner marriage with his feminine anima and outer with his wife, Sarah, earth and spirit together, each true to its own sphere, is a rich example of living between two worlds that is open to, and incumbent on, us all.

Claire Dunne.

The ultimate encounter with death can either reinforce habitual and outdated life patterns, or open one up to new and grander vistas. In this unforgettable story of a remarkable man, we see how the need to face one's own death can reawaken an individual to the reality of the psyche and an encounter with the Self.

David Blum's life was influenced by many factors, especially music, his creative daimon. In this film, we witness both the inner and outer preparation for his personal requiem. This time, the daimon appeared in his dreams, personalized through the figure of a beloved dog. This dog, a totemic representation of the Self and of eternal wisdom, taught him how to approach death with the realization that while physical life ends, the spiritual and creative life endures.

In watching this film, I was deeply touched by the integrity with which Blum faced this ultimate challenge, and by his deep receptivity to the callings of the Self. I can only imagine his internal struggle to remain conscious of his impending death, while also needing to connect with the inner figure of the "wise old dog". This vital engagement allowed for a meaningful and life altering transformation to occur.

While our ego selves generally tend to "lead the dog",Blum, in this final chapter of his life, knew that he instead was to follow the dog's guidance. C.G.Jung received a similar message as his dreams led him to once again play in a sandbox, as he had as a child. In many respects, this "return" was pivotal in the development of Jung's approach to the psyche. Both Jung and Blum understood the need to sacrifice the ego and egoic intentions to the urgings of the Self.

This poignant story portrays the unfolding of a man's relationship to his interiority and the creative Self. By submitting to this process, I truly believe that he was allowed not only to die in peace, but also to have realized the ultimate authority of the Objective Psyche. This film is a "must see" as it displays with grace, artistry and brilliance the needed surrender of the ego to the Self.

Michael Conforti, Jungian Analyst, Founder and Director of the Assisi Conferences.


 If you are interested in acquiring the DVD, you can contact

Sarah Blum

P.O. Box 104

Medina, WA 98039-0104

Or go directly to the website