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Uma Markus*
Title of work:     Mouse Dreams
Medium:            Oil pastel
Date created:     2007

Mice and other rodents had been plaguing me in my dreams for years.
I was always finding infestations in my closet and in between my walls. I was always horrified. Here they are again! Why won’t they leave me alone?

With the passing of years they only grew more persistent. They invaded my bedroom, prancing on my headboard and pouncing on my bed. Finally I could no longer ignore the mice and other forces that were speaking to me through my dreams. I humbly turned to them, looking for the truth about my self and my life.

Title of work:      Animal Gifts
Medium:             Color pencil
Date created:      March 2005

I dream that the animals of the forest are leaving their drawings as gifts for me.

Title of work:       My Friend Can Fly
Medium:              Color Pencil
Date created:      June 2005

I am walking with others down a dirt road were I live in New Mexico when I see a friend of mine ahead of me. She is flying through the air in a long white dress! She is having a wonderful time up there, riding air currents just like a bird. Suddenly she flutters and falls, crashing on the rocky desert terrain.

Certain that she must be hurt, I try to run to her. But my body is moving in slow motion. When I finally reach her she is brushing herself off and preparing to fly again. I try to warn her against it but she’s having too much fun and I can’t stop her. “I just have to practice my landings”, she calls to me as she rises up into the air again.

Title of work:      Oracle Birds (#1)
Medium:              Color pencil
Date created:      January 2007

I am walking through the back yard of my childhood, feeling the return of the old sorrow and grief. But as I walk through the old trees I knew so well as a child that have grown large and resplendent with age, I am consoled. Suddenly I hear a chorus of singing birds and see that the tree ahead of me is filled with them. I know that the birds want something from me. What is it? 

Title of work:     Oracle Birds (#2)
Medium:            Color pencil
Date created:     January 2007

In that moment, I become lucid and look around me with all my senses open. I am looking out at the world and in at the dream at the same time. Beauty is within me and all around me. For just a few moments before waking, I am seamlessly one with the whole of Life.


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