Regional Conference of the IASD in New York City
April 25, 2015
Freud gave us dream work to untangle the threads of the latent dream, while Jung gave us active imagination to reenter the manifest dream and play with the imagery. Winnicott discovered the magical transitional space of children’s play, where objects appear as in a dream. Play is children’s work, and dreams require both. Dreams are grownup play. They can be creative and humorous or they can be serious, with life and death at stake. This conference has all the aspects of dream work and play.
National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (NPAP)
40 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011.
NPAP is located on West 13th Street, between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue (Avenue of the Americas), in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan.
Nearby parking facilities:
13th Street, between 5th & 6th Ave (garage)
13th Street, between 6th & 7th Ave (garage)
Subway stops:
L, F (14th Street & 6th Avenue station)
L, N, Q, R, W, 4, 5, 6 (14th Street – Union Square station)
1, 2, 3 (14th Street & 7th Avenue station)
A, C, E (14th Street & 8th Avenue station)
A, C, E, F, V, S (West 4th St – Washington Square station)
Lou Hagood.
DATE | Member | Non-member | Student / Low Income (Member) | Student / Low Income (Non-Member |
After 02.01.2015 | $75 | $85 | $60 | $70 |
Full conference fees include coffee breaks and exclude lunch and dinner.
Refunds for conference fees will be subject to a $20 processing fee. No refunds are offered after April 1.
Two Mikes deliberately provoke a controversy over the interpretation (or misinterpretation) of dreams. What do the two Mikes say? All dreams are only one dream. As different as the images in dreams may be, all dreams are always one and the same dream. Is this hyperbole? “In psychoanalysis,” Adorno says, “nothing is true except the exaggerations.” The ego, Freud says, is “the seat of anxiety.” In all dreams the ego reacts with extreme anxiety against the images that emerge from the unconscious. Why does the ego react so defensively with fright, fight, and flight? Why such paranoia, phobia, and panic? Why is the ego so afraid of the unconscious? Michael Vannoy Adams and Michael P. Jenkins present numerous examples of dreams that demonstrate just how neurotic, even psychotic the ego is in relation to the unconscious.
Michael P. Jenkins is an eclectic psychoanalyst in New York City, with a special interest in creativity and imagination. He is dean of students and director of treatment service at the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Studies Center (PPSC). He teaches the course “Dreams and the Unconscious” at the New York Counseling and Guidance Service. He is also an exhibiting artist who has recently created two series of mythological paintings with psychological meanings featuring Icarus and Sisyphus. He was previously program director of Footsteps, an agency that supports individuals transitioning into secular society from insular, ultra-fundamentalist religious communities. E-mail: michaeljenkinsanalyst@gmail.com.
Michael Vannoy Adams is a Jungian psychoanalyst in New York City. He is the author of four important books: For Love of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Applications of Jungian Psychoanalysis (2014), The Mythological Unconscious (2nd rev. ed., 2010), The Fantasy Principle: Psychoanalysis of the Imagination (2004), and The Multicultural Imagination: Race, Color, and the Unconscious (1996). He is a clinical associate professor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis and a faculty member at the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association and the Object Relations Institute. He teaches the course “Dream Interpretation” at the New School, where he was previously associate provost. He is the recipient of three Gradiva Awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis. He is a former member of the board of directors of IASD. E-mail: adamsmv@aol.com. Website: www.jungnewyork.com.
Dreams have produced art, music, novels, films, mathematical proofs, and designs for architecture, telescopes, and computers. Dreaming is essentially our brain thinking in another biochemical state—and therefore it’s likely to solve some problems on which our waking minds have become stuck. Harvard research psychologist, Deirdre Barrett, has explored the role of dreaming in everyday problems and creative projects, the brain processes behind this, and how dream incubation can increase problem-solving dreams. This talk will take inspiration from great historical dreams and modern lab research. And there are lessons from these objective problem-solving dreams for what dreams may do with personal, emotional, and therapeutic issues. Finally, Dr. Barrett will present techniques to increase the likelihood that you will have breakthrough dreams—and recall and act on them.
Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. She is Past President of the Association for the Study of Dreams and of the American Psychological Association’s Div. 30, The Society for Psychological Hypnosis. She’s the author of four books including The Committee of Sleep (Random House, 2001) and editor of four academic volumes including Trauma and Dreams (Harvard University Press, 1996). She is Editor in Chief of the journal Dreaming and a Consulting Editor for Imagination, Cognition, and Personality and The International Journal for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Dr. Barrett has published dozens of academic articles and chapters on dreaming, imagery, and hypnosis. Dr. Barrett’s commentary on dreams has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, Fox, The Discovery Channel, and Voice of America. She has been interviewed for dream articles in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Life, Time, and Newsweek. Her own articles have appeared in Psychology Today and Scientific American, and her film review column, ‘The Dream Videophile’ is published in the magazine Dream Time. Dr. Barrett has lectured on dreams at Esalen, the Smithsonian, and at universities across the U.S., and in Russia, Kuwait, Israel, England, and Holland.
Facing death with a lucid-dreaming practice and creative activity is a celebration of life and an embracing of death, which confronts habitual behaviors and belief systems. This presentation illustrates the presenter’s personal experience of facing death with “fringing,” a creative, embodied meditation and healing process, including documentary photos of the process.
Fariba Bogzaran, PhD., is a scientist/artist and the founding director of the Dream Studies program at John F. Kennedy University in Berkeley, California. She has conducted studies of lucid dreaming and has taught the topic in academia for thirty years. Her many publications include: Extraordinary Dreams, Lucid Art and Hyperspace Lucidity and Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreaming. Her research on lucid dreaming and modern art led to the concept of Lucid Art. With the surrealist painter, Gordon Onslow Ford, she co-founded the Lucid Art Foundation in Northern California.
Anxiety about breast cancer is increasing due to reports of celebrities having double mastectomies and uncertainty about conflicting guidelines regarding mammography and genetic screening, so exploring an intuitive way of accessing the body’s wisdom is a timely topic. Warning dreams of breast cancer are often reported to be life- changing experiences that prompt medical attention leading directly to diagnosis.
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP, President of Healing Imager, PC, in Durham, NC, specializes in teleradiology, EFT, hypnosis and dream work. He was associate professor of radiology and director of integrative medicine education at Duke University Medical Center from 1998-2004. He was a founding member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and a board president of the Rhine Research Center. His book Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist was published in 2012. He joined the International Society for the Study of Dreams in 2013 and his paper “Warning Dreams Preceding the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: A Survey of the Most Important Characteristics” was submitted for publication in 2014.
For some years I have practiced dream incubation and lucid dreaming, but kept the practice separate from my psychotherapy work, until a client who had spoken of “becoming conscious” in his dreams shared dreams of his recently deceased mother knocking on the door of his house. Earlier he had told me that there were things that he wished he had told his mother before she died, so I suggested that he open the door to his mother in his dreams and speak to her. There followed a series of dream encounters concluding with a lucid dream in which my client invited his mother to a family party in his dreams.
Lou Hagood is a Licensed Psychoanalyst working with dreams one-on-one and in dream-sharing groups for fifteen years. He was trained at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis in New York. led dream sharing groups at the IASD annual conference, in Washington and at the Institute for Noetic Sciences in New York. He also taught dream courses and led dream-sharing groups at his training institute and presented at IASD annual conferences and at PsiberDreaming online conferences.
Consciously aware within a dream, you exist in a special ‘hybrid state of consciousness’ according to neurological research. Some Buddhist lineages concur and state that actions performed while lucid are seven times more powerful than waking actions. While some psychotherapists have used lucid dreaming to end recurring nightmares in PTSD sufferers, experienced lucid dreamers have used this special state to resolve waking phobias, end serious anxiety and even heal physical ailments. Come and learn what lucid dreamers are discovering about emotional and physical healing in lucid dreams.
Robert Waggoner is author of the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (now in its 9th printing), co-editor of the magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience and a past president of IASD. In 1975, he taught himself how to lucid dream, or become consciously aware within the dream state. Now, he speaks at universities, conferences and workshops worldwide on the extraordinary potential of lucid dreaming.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
9:00-9:45 Welcome & Lucid Therapy-Lou Hagood
9:45- 10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-10:45 Creativity & Dreams-Deirdre Barrett
10:45- 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00- 11:45 Healing the Emotional & Physical Self Through Lucid Dreaming-Robert Waggoner
12:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00- 2:45 The Misinterpretation of Dreams: Two Mikes, the Unconscious and a Very Anxious Ego-Michael Vannoy Adams & Michael P. Jenkins
2:45- 3:00 Coffee Break
3:00-3;45 On the Fringe of Death: Exploring Lucid Dreaming & Creative Consciousness-Fariba Bogzaran
3:45-4:00 Coffee Break
4:00-4:45 Dreams That Warn of Breast Cancer-Larry Burk
Lou Hagood louishagood@gmail.com