Guidelines for IASD Regional Meetings and Co-Sponsored Events
(updated 2024)
Regional meetings, conferences and other dream-related events help IASD members meet each other, socialize, network, and share their different approaches to dreams. Regional events also help to advance the basic mission of IASD, which is to broaden public awareness and appreciation of dreams and introduce a larger audience to the IASD. Although these are the primary goals, regional events are also considered a source of revenue for the IASD with the net proceeds going to the IASD’s operating budget.
Different Models of Regional Dream Events
Not every Regional conference needs to look like our annual conference. Gatherings can be of nearly any size and level of complexity. Here are three examples:
- Small regional meetings have been held in people’s homes, and condominium part rooms, such as this 2013 event in Toronto, and have involved dream-sharing, a presentation for discussion, lots of time for informal discussion, and sometimes a group meal.
- A medium-sized regional conference might involve a one-day event with workshops with multiple presentations, such as this 2017 event in New York.
- Large regional conferences may take place over a one or two full days, with evening receptions, activities, and several workshops and lectures. Check out this South Carolina Regional from 2017.
For more examples, visit the Regional Events archives.
Whatever format you use, your regional event should give attendees a sense of the broad diversity of approaches used by people who study dreams. The IASD expects all regional events to follow these four policies that guide our national conferences and all of our work:
Interested in organizing an IASD-Supported Regional Conference?
People who organize a Regional Conference must be a member of the IASD in good standing. Lapsed memberships can be renewed by contacting Alina, our IASD Office Manager, at
The REC is here to help with the three major components to regional events:
- shaping the overall event (venue and overall schedule);
- developing IASD-approved content (presentations, workshops, dreamwork);
- marketing the event (local, dedicated EventBrite website page, and IASD marketing)
The IASD won’t sponsor regional conferences in May or June, when we hold our annual international conference. However, the IASD encourages people to organize activities two months before the annual conference (to build up local interest) and two months afterwards (to carry forward the interest from the conference).
If you have questions or an idea you want to consider, need more information or the forms you will need, contact the IASD Regional Events Committee Chair, Jeanne Van Bronkhorst at