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Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
Bernard Welt, PhD |
Dreams, Creativity and the Arts
is an e-mail discussion group on the
relation of dreaming to practice in all the arts, including visual arts,
writing, filmmaking, dance, music, and theater. Dreams, Creativity and the
Arts is part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International
Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes
of that program. Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
PSI DREAMING Host: Art Funkhouser, PhD |
Psi Dreaming is an e-mail discussion list
about topics in psychic dreaming, including dream psi, precognition,
telepathy and beyond. Psi Dreaming is part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes of that program. Paper: Dreaming the future, can we change it? Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
DREAMS ACTIVISM Use of dreams in social activism Host:
Valerie Bigelow, Ph.D. |
Dream Activism is an e-mail discussion list
about the use of dreams in social and political settings. Dream Activism is part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes of that program. Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
Host: |
Dreams and Healing: an e-mail
discussion group that explores different methods of using dreaming to
facilitate mind-body healing, as well as research findings in this subject
area. It will focus on three different kinds of healing dreams: 1.
Diagnostic healing dreams; 2. Prescriptive healing dreams; and 3.
Curative healing dreams.
Dreaming and Healing forms part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes of that program. Paper Mind-Body Healing Through Dreamwork Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
CoHosts: |
Lucid Dreaming is an e-mail discussion list
exploring all areas of lucid dreams and lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes of that program. Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
Carol Warner, PhD |
Dreamspirit1 is a small group for active participants only. Our goal is to study the interaction of dreams and spirituality in a respectful and confidential manner. It is a pre-screened group, so with your application to join please let us know the nature of your interest in dreams and spirituality. This is not a group for onlookers. Dreaming and Spirituality is part of the E-study groups program sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and follows the general purposes of that program. |
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
Bernard Welt, PhD |
Dream Education: This
group discusses issues and methods in teaching classes on dreams at every
educational level, from grammar school through college to graduate and
professional school training programs. The group has two major goals: Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall.
Study Group & Contact Person |
About |
THE LEADERSHIP OF DREAM GROUPS Host: Gary Goodwin www.theinnerarts.com |
iasd_groupleaders is an e-mail discussion list
that explores the importance of group dreamwork. Audio tapes on this topic are available in the IASD Shopping Mall. |
Questions? Contact Ed Kellogg, PhD alef1@msn.com |
HELP FILES Moderator's
Agreement |
If you would like to join an E-Study Group, simply put your e-mail
in the corresponding box
for the group above,
and follow the instructions that will appear.
If you would like to contact someone at IASD not
listed above,
please see the Contact Us and
Who is Who? pages.