Renew/Become a Member                                                                            Volume 8, No. 8


  In This Issue:

IASD Office

Dream-News Editor

IASD Member Events Around the World


We are pleased to announce that an anonymous donor who has generously provided funding for the Student Research Award for the past 6 years has graciously agreed to provide matching funds for the 2011 competition! The IASD Board of Trustees will provide the balance of funds.

As in previous years, there will be two $500 awards. The first is for the best student submission of original scientific research on dreams and dreaming. The second is for the best submission of original historical, literary, artistic, or theoretical research. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to submit papers.

All participants must submit their presentations in electronic form, preferably through email to or if necessary by mailing the files, copied to a CD or a DVD, to the IASD office by March 15, 2011.
IASD-Student Research
1672 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703 USA

Mark on any mailed box "OK to leave on left porch."

Text submissions must not exceed 6,000 words. Participants should submit text in MS Word, and artwork in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf formats.

Participants may also electronically submit videos in AVI formats, or music in MIDI or MPS formats. In the case of papers with multiple authors -- in terms of the ideas presented as well as the description of the results -- the contestant must indicate clearly, in either the text of the paper or in an accompanying letter, what portions are the submitter’s work.

Submissions must include a copy of your student ID. Alternatively, you can fax a copy to the IASD Office at 1-209-724-0889, or scan and email an attachment to

Include a note or cover letter that this is for the IASD Student Research Award. Participants must specify for which of the two awards they are applying.

Winners will be announced at the IASD Annual Meeting, which will be held at the Rolduc Conference Center in the Netherlands, June24 - 28, during the General Membership meeting. Check the schedule of conference events to find out the exact date.

Curtiss Hoffman
Student Research Awards Chair

In This Issue:







Also in This issue







PsiberDreaming 2010

You will want to read the discussions.

You will want to see the videos.

You will want to read and watch the most intriguing PsiberDreaming Conference presentations ever, even though the discussion part of PsiberDreaming will close on Sunday, October 10.

Award winning film makers Roko Belic and Amy Hardie are joined on the conference forum by Laurel McCabe and Richard Russo discussing Jung's Red Book. See and study Jung's jewel-like illustrations in an online format. Take a look at the work of dream artists from around the world and practice the exercises given in workshops by experts in all areas of dreaming.

Amy Hardie and Roko Belic
Richard Russo and Laurel McCabe


There is still plenty of time to enjoy the conference, because the forum will be open on a read-only basis until the end of October.

To register and look at the complete PsiberDreaming Conference program visit the conference web pages at

IASD is happy to note that PsiberDreaming becomes more global all the time. Almost two hundred people are attending PsiberDreaming this year, from twenty countries around the world.


The Venue: The conference will be held at the former monastery of Rolduc, Kerkrade, near the boundary of the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. It may be accessed by the airports of Düsseldorf (Germany), Amsterdam and Eindhoven (the Netherlands) or Brussels (Belgium) as well as highway networks and railway infrastructure from all three countries.

Submission Themes: High quality proposals are invited, particularly those that explore the conference theme, Dreams and Cultural Diversity. We request that submissions fall into one of the following tracks: Research & Theory; Arts & Humanities; Culture, Anthropology & History; Education; Religion, Spirituality & Philosophy; Clinical Approaches; Dreamwork Practices; Extraordinary, PSI and Lucid Dreams; and Conference Theme. While the conference is in the Netherlands there are two special themes within the conference theme track: one of them specifically Dutch and the other specifically European. A special session is dedicated to the famous Dutch psychiatrist, poet, lucid dreamer, and author on dreams Frederik van Eeden. A second theme emphasizes the visions on dreams in the philosophical tradition of Europe.

Submission Categories include: Paper Presentations; Symposia; Panels; Workshops; Special Events or Major Presentations; Morning Dream Groups; Hot-off-the-Press and Poster Papers

Deadline for submissions is 30 November 2010
(except for Hot off the Press and Poster Sessions which is 1 March 2011)

All Submissions Must be Made Online.
For Instructions and the Online Form go to

For all questions regarding submissions write to 

The International Association for the Study of Dreams
1672 University Avenue, Berkeley CA 94703



Teresa L. DeCicco has written a new book, La Bussola Dei Sogni: Per non perdere la rotta nel mare della vita. (Franco Angeli), released in Italy (see attached) with a forward by Umberto Barcaro.


She will be appearing at the following:

1. Oct 27, 2010 in San Vincenzo, Italy (Tuscany). Teresa L. DeCicco with Umberto Barcaro, Donatella Donati,and Mauro Pini will present a talk and discussion on her new book.

2. Oct 28, 2010 in Piombio, Italy (Tuscany). A discussion of dream research and her book

3. Nov. 3, 2010. Guest lecture on Dreams and Dream Research in the department of Psychology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. Introduction by Umberto Barcaro.

4. Nov. 9, 2010 Lecture on Dreams and Dreamwork at The University della Terza Eta, Livorno, Italy.


For research on private body function Ann Sayre Wiseman is requesting authentic "Piss and Poop dreams". This subject is rarely talked about, yet is very common and is usually quite amazing amusing and sometimes rather shocking. Often it seems quite normal to be defecating in public, relieving this normal urge which keeps us healthy and regular. But on waking we are astonished and wonder why.

Please send a brief paragraph telling:
1. Where it happens, in what company, and under what circumstances,
2. How you felt while in the act
3. How you felt about the act after waking.
4. Anything else of interest. Of course no identifying names will be used.
send to:


The launch of the second phase of the TerraPlaces Project began Sept. 21 and we'd love to see you participate.


This phase of the project is especially exciting because we're exploring dreams! Specifically, the relationship between dreams and nature, dreams and place, dreams and landscape. We'll present a basic dream curriculum and then help you deepen the practice of observing and sitting with a place in nature by cultivating your relationship both with the outer landscape of nature and the inner landscape of dreams.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to email me. Go here to sign up:  Please feel free to share this email with others who might be interested. I look forward to seeing you!

Katrina Martin Davenport


September New Members: 19

Susan Baraglia
Fernando de Pablos
Daniel Grassa
Caroline Hagood
Toby Heathcotte
Susan Lollis
Jessie Lyle
Robin Morgan
Lorrie Nichelson
Carol Nichelson
Vickie Pierson
Patrick Raithofer
Jane Simon
Bill Waddell
Seajay Crosson
Kirsten Thomas
Josie Malinowski

Anonymous: 2

September Renewing Members: 28

Paule M. Boucher
Bambi Corso
Angela DuPont
Mary Edwards
Nancy Friedman
Jane Gutloff
Mike Hackett
Sven Hedenrud
Elaine Langerman
Avaidna Little
Colleen Majewski
Bonnie Mitsch
Louise Ostiguy
Mimi Pettibone
Glenna Rossi
Carol Rupprecht
Takaniri Tajiri
April Woodward
Mara Zadnoff
Peggy Coats, MPA
Dean Edwards
Anthony Hawkins
Anne Hill, D. Min.
Heather Peace
Danielle Rouleau
Chad Kempel
Misa Tsuruta

Anonymous: 1

Spotlight on Japan
By Misa Tsuruta, IASD Regional Representative

Our Japanese group convened in August, exactly one year after Shuhei Enomoto and I met for the first time. We celebrated our one-year-old birthday, along with our friend Takanari Tajiri.

By surfing the IASD website, I found another member in Japan,David Trokeloshvili, who is from Canada. We are hoping he can join us for the October meeting.

Takanari presented on Jeremy Taylor's dreamwork method at a transpersonal psychology conference on September 10. He also distributed IASD flyers.

In an Embodied Dreamwork Workshop in August, Shuhei distributed flyers, as well. He and his colleagues are planning to have a few more ED workshops in 2011, some of which will include Robbie Bosnak.

I'm also going to post an invitation to join IASD on the International Mental Health Professionals Japan (IMHPJ) listserv, which consists of overseas-educated mental health professionals. I am also going to distribute information pertaining to ongoing and upcoming dream-related events.

I sincerely hope that these efforts will bring more dreamers to IASD, as well as to our regional group!

Membership Inquiries
As a new officer and board member for the IASD, I am interested in learning more about what attracts people to our organization. Specifically, I would really appreciate it if you would contact me and let me know what means most to you about your IASD membership. Do the conferences, publications, or Member Pages prompt you to join or renew, or does something less tangible figure into your decision? If so, what is it? Hearing your answer to this question will make a big difference in my awareness and efforts to serve the membership in the future. So please let me what matters the most to you about IASD membership.

Also, please feel free to contact me or Jeff Vovillia at any time with membership questions or concerns. We always welcome new volunteers. You are the future leaders of IASD and we want your energy, help and visions.

Scott Sparrow, membership chair:
Jeff Vovillia, membership assistant:

Member Pages to be Updated
We realize that the Member Pages include quite a few lapsed members, and so we are in the process of updating the Member Pages. If you have a Member Page, or you are planning to set one up, you might be interested to know that Member Pages rank highly on Google whenever someone searches for you by name. Your membership in the IASD is, therefore, one of the first things that people learn about you when they do an online search. Indeed, being a part of the IASD community may be a very effective way to bolster your personal and professional identity. With this in mind, please keep your Member Page updated––and most importantly renew your membership so your page will stay on the website!

Regional Representatives
Please check the IASD website for up-to-date names and contact information for the regional representative in your area. The Regional Representative webpage is divided into regions, making your search more user-friendly.

If you do not have a regional rep for your area, consider becoming one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD. To become a regional rep, contact Scott Sparrow, membership chair:


Be sure to join our Facebook page! We have 276 friends and growing! And please let your Facebook friends know about IASD’s Facebook page, as well as IASD’s website ( You can help us reach a lot of new people by taking a few minutes to do this.


The IASD nominating committee is soliciting recommendations for people to serve on the board of directors for three-year terms beginning in July 2011. The IASD Board performs a vital function in the overall operation of IASD. Nominees should be members in good standing who are willing to serve. Please send your recommendations to the nominating committee chair, Robert Gongloff (, by 31 December 2010.

According to IASD bylaws, the nominating committee is responsible for identifying and presenting nominees to the membership for available member-elected director positions on the Board. The committee also identifies and presents nominees to the Board for available Board-appointed director positions and available officer positions.

The Nominating Committee is composed of the following members: the IASD president, the immediate past president, and additional active members and/or directors who have knowledge of IASD history, functions, and membership. This year’s committee includes Robert Gongloff (chair), Jody Grundy, Robert Waggoner, Jean Campbell, Rita Dwyer, Olaf Gerlach-Hansen, and David Kahn.

On behalf of the Board, the nominating committee welcomes your recommendations for those who will continue to provide guidance and leadership to IASD.

The 2012 IASD Conference Committee begins plans for the 2012 conference in Berkeley. Shown from left are: Deborah Coupey, Bob and Lynn Hoss, Richard Russo, Marcia and Jim Emery.
Photo by Richard Wilkerson.

Contacting and Submitting to IASD Dream-Newsd>

The IASD Dream-News provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free Dream-News.

E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: Jacquie Lewis, Ph.D., IASD Dream-News Editor


The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month. Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor.

Please limit your articles to 200 words.  The article title should be entirely in capital letters.  Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase.  Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments.  Do not imbed photos or logos in text.

The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions.  Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited.  IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article.

IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following: individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries.

The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances. Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed.

IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops.

To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News: 

To change your E-mail address:

Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office:

IASD Website: 

The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.
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