November 2013
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PsiberDreaming Conference Brings New Members

2014 Annual Conference Berkeley, California Announces Call for Presentations and Volunteers

News from the Board

DreamTime Survey Results

The Ernest Hartmann Award for Student Research IASD

Regional News You Can Use


2013 Pledge Drive Begins in November

Member Events Around the World

Members in the Media

Hot off the Press

Dream Time Toons!

October Memberships Total: 45

IASD Office

Linda H. Mastrangelo, Editor
Janet Garrett, Copy Editor
Laura Atkinson, Design and Layout
Richard Wilkerson, IASD Office Manager
Jean Campbell, Executive Committee Advisor
Robert P. Gongloff, Editorial Consultant


This year, as IASD celebrates its thirty year mark, we hope you will generously contribute to the annual Pledge Drive, which begins in November and ends in January of 2014 to allow tax-deductible contributions.

Strategic Planning for IASD's future is one of the categories being addressed by this year's Pledge Drive, as the Board of Directors moves to create its next "five-year plan" at the upcoming 2014 Conference. These Strategic Planning sessions, held over the past ten years of IASD's work, have been instrumental in creating the very healthy organization we have today.

Pledge Drive funds, donated by members and friends of IASD, support a wide range of activities which otherwise might be unavailable: Research grant funds, Student Award funds, conference scholarships, publications, web site upgrades, low-income and complimentary memberships, and (this year) Strategic Planning funds.

Help IASD to create the Dream of a Bright Tomorrow!


Please join North of Eden for a couples retreat from December 5-8, 2013 at the North of Eden Retreat Center in beautiful northern Vermont.

Our relationships with ourselves and with the Divine are reflected in our most intimate relationships with our partners and spouses. The North of Eden Couples Retreat is an opportunity to deepen our relationships through the guidance of our dreams.


La Integración De Los Sueños (The Integration Of Dreams) is a five week online workshop for the Spanish speaking community of dreamers from November 18 – December 19, 2013, personally guided by Jordi Borràs García, a psychologist and member of the teaching staff of the Institut de Psicologia Transpersonal in Barcelona.

• This course provides a practical and easy way to learn how to improve your dream recall and to make your dreams an essential part of your daily life, so you can advance your internal growth, clarity and wellness.
• You will learn how to interpret your dreams and their symbols, and how dreams can be a path to healing and personal realization. You will also understand the systemic implications of your dreams.
• This workshop is for people with personal or professional interest, who may or may not already have experience in exploring dreams.

For more information about Jordi and to learn more and to enroll in this workshop click here.


The Energy Psychology Press has just published Dream to Freedom: A Handbook for Integrating Dreamwork and Energy Psychology by Robert and Lynne Hoss. Robert is one of our Past Presidents and is a former scientist with training in Gestalt therapy. He is also author of the book Dream Language. His wife Lynne is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner, a trained clinical psychologist, and a former abuse counselor. About six years ago they combined their skills to merge dreamwork with energy psychology and created a structured protocol which can be used for clinical or personal work.

The dreamwork is used to identify the unresolved emotional issue that the unconscious is dealing with and the energy work (tapping) is used to reduce the anxiety and emotional stress surrounding the issue. Once the anxiety is reduced the dream is used to guide closure. Distributed by Ingram and Hay House it is available on Amazon


This month members Bob and Lynne Hoss demonstrated the technique they developed for combining dreamwork and EFT ("tapping") on Clinical Psychologist Dr. Carol Francis on BlogTalk Radio. The technique is called Dream To Freedom and is available in their new book by that name. If you are interested in hearing the demonstration, or combining these healing disciplines, click here for the show.


Rachel G. Norment has published a new book, Dream Explorations: A Journey in Self-Knowledge and Self-Realization. Using series of her own dreams and some from other family members, covering a wide range of dream symbols and themes, Rachel illustrates how personal dreamwork can be a source of inspiration, transformation, and guidance towards spiritual growth and physical and psychological health and wholeness.

Dream Explorations is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press.


Have you ever been accused of sleeping on the job? That is exactly what artist, Karen Weil did for one solid year, capturing in words and imagery 365 of her dreams. Karen writes, “I invite you to wander through a subconscious mind by stepping into a cylindrical 10-foot diameter by 25-foot linear multi-media art installation, displaying the chronologically placed pictorial stories. Rather than have the installation “sitting pretty” but unused, I am also inviting you (free of charge) to take advantage of the unusual dream-like environment and host a session there showcasing your expertise, be it meditation, yoga, energy healing, dream work, psychic readings, group therapy, or whatever. Whether you lead a spiritual, peaceful session, or a vibrant, playful one with music, or anything in between, it is all up to you.”

Opening Reception:
October 17, 2013, 6-8pm Exhibit runs October 17 – November 12

Public Gallery Hours:
Tuesday – Friday
1pm – 5:00pm,
12 – 4:30pm

Available Hours for Hosting a Session: Tuesday – Friday, 12 – 1pm Location: Kala Artist Project Space 2990 San Pablo Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702

For further information and sign up, please visit: or call 510-205-2118

In this issue, Hot Off the Press explores the subject of dreams and the brain. The intention of this column is to publish links to evidence-based scientific articles that are written for a non-research audience in the study of dreams.


Dreams are thought to respond to self- and socially-relevant situations that evoke strong emotions and require rapid adaptation. First pregnancy is such a situation during which maternal mental representations (MMR) of the unborn baby, the self and significant others undergo remodeling. Some studies suggest that dreams during pregnancy contain more MMR and are more dysphoric, but such studies contain important methodological flaws. We assessed whether dreamed MMR, like waking MMR, change from the 7th month of pregnancy to birth, and whether pregnancy–related themes and non-pregnancy characteristics are also transformed


Even though sleep histories of nightmare sufferers indicate that nightmares often begin in childhood and are stable over time, longitudinal studies – especially in adults – are scarce. Schredl et al. demonstrated that children reporting nightmares over a two-year period (three measurement points) showed more pronounced daytime symptomatology, such as emotional problems and hyperactivity, than children reporting nightmares once or twice. From a clinical viewpoint, it would be very interesting to elicit whether frequent nightmare sufferers have consulted health care professionals because of their complaints and have received therapy.


Dreaming in patients with schizophrenia was and is of particular interest to researchers and clinicians due to the phenomenological similarities between the dreaming state and schizophrenic daytime symptomatology such as bizarre thoughts or hallucinations. Extensive literature reviews have shown that dream studies in the field of psychopathology often do not fulfill common scientific criteria. The present paper focuses on the methodological issues like sampling methods, the dream collection method, and dream content analysis that are crucial with regard to the validity of the findings. It is also suggested that the so-called dimensional approach (linking severity of daytime symptoms directly to specific dream characteristics) will be very helpful for identifying which psychopathological symptoms of schizophrenia are most closely linked to dream content.



Alma Bond
Juanita Ratner
Donna Fitzgerald
Anne Fons
Barbara Horgan
Deacon Sylvie Phillips
Regina Uliana
John Allen and Susan S Allen

Umberto Prunotto - Dreamboard


Patti Allen
Mary Amstutz
Ann Aswegan
Elke Bach-Zeerocah
Susan Baragia
John Corbett
Claude Desloges
Linda Dudley
Shuhei Enomoto
Cameron Feltner
Judy Gardiner
Rosemary Gosselin
Laurie Greenberg
Nigel Hamilton
Benjamin Hammett
Toby Heathcotte
Rita Hildebrandt
Nancy Hutton
Jeff Lewis
Carol Malady
Scott Merwin
Gretchen Meyer
Zeljka Mileusnic
Angel Morgan
Zoé Newman
Diane Pelletier
Hallfridur Ragnheidardottir
Peter Ribbens
Christiane Riedel
Suzanne Saldarini
Richard Schweickert
Walter Stover
Helene (Leela) Tanguay
Susanne van Doorn
Lisa Woods
1 Anonymous


IASD would like to welcome the 42 new members who joined us between August 15 and October 6 this year, in order to participate for free in the 2013 PsiberDreaming Conference: "Through the Looking Glass of Dreams," and say thank you to those who made it happen.

The number of new members this year is almost three times as high as in prior years, because of the growing enthusiasm for our organization on both the FaceBook members page and the IASD Fan Page. Thus, when Ryan Hurd, Chair of the Social Networking Committee, suggested a few FaceBook ads, promoted in turn by members, the visibility of our popular annual online conference skyrocketed.

Our thanks to all who attended, old and new – and especially to our wonderful volunteers, both presenters and those behind the scenes, for another great year of PsiberDreaming.


Call for Presentations

The 2014 IASD Annual International Conference will be held from Wednesday evening June 4 through Sunday evening June 8, 2014 at the beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Berkeley Marina on the bay at 200 Marina Blvd., Berkeley, California, USA.

The Venue • The DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Berkeley Marina is located on San Francisco Bay with sweeping views of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. The hotel, with a pool and fitness center, is surrounded by a waterfront wildlife sanctuary with nature trails that offer spectacular views, hiking, bird-watching, and fishing. Berkeley is a uniquely historical university town and home of the IASD Central Office. Spend time vacationing in the Bay Area and explore San Francisco and the nearby wine country, coastal beaches, redwood forests and Yosemite National Park.

The Conference will feature world-renowned keynote speakers, about 150 presenters from around the globe, an opening reception, the Dream Art Exhibition and reception, a Dream Hike along the shoreline nature preserve, the annual Dream Telepathy Contest, the ever popular costume Dream Ball and a Cruise on San Francisco Bay.

Submissions: High quality proposals are invited addressing any of the following topics: Research and Theory; Arts and Humanities; Education; Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy; Clinical Approaches; Dreamwork Practices; Extraordinary, PSI and Lucid Dreams; Dreams and Health; Mental Imagery; and Culture and Anthropology.

Submission Categories include: Paper Presentations; Symposia; Panels; Workshops; Special Events; Morning Dream Groups; and Research, Hot-off-the-Press and Poster Papers. IASD encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply. All submissions must be made online.

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2013
(Hot-off-the-Press and Poster submissions: February 15, 2014)

IASD encourages all potential presenters to address issues of diversity and disability in their submissions and presentations. IASD does not discriminate in approving presenters with respect to race, culture, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, income, various forms of disability. Conference sites are chosen, in part, based on their stated compliance with ADA standards and ability to provide accessibility.

For further conference details and information about the Call for Presentations, please visit the conference website:


Join a great group of volunteers and help make our 31st IASD annual international conference a success. Volunteer positions are offered this year for: registration/information desk; room monitor; audio visual support; and art exhibition. As an on-site volunteer you will work roughly 12 hours during the conference in order to attend the conference and all main receptions, including the dream ball and a special volunteer reception (excluding travel, meals and your other expenses), all for $50. Volunteers also receive a 50% discount on the conference recording.

The conference will be held on Wednesday evening June 4 through Sunday evening June 8, 2014 at the beautiful Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Berkeley Marina on the bay in Berkeley, California, USA. Most on-site volunteers are needed early the first day for training and for various shifts each day in the hours from 8AM-9PM (08:00 – 21:00). See the Schedule-at-a-Glance for a preview of the planned schedule structure.

Apply early since acceptance is determined by application date and available positions. If positions fill, a waiting list will be maintained and those on that list will be offered a position if an accepted volunteer does not register or cancels. Once your application has been received, if there is a position available you will be sent a letter of acceptance, and asked to register for the conference by a certain deadline and pay the non-refundable volunteer fee in order to be confirmed. The volunteer fee is $150 with $100 returned after you complete your duties.

If you have any questions you can write us at


From Robert Gongloff, Board Chair

The IASD Board of Directors held its fall meeting on Saturday, October 26. The Board made some major decisions that will affect all members.

People in the News

Due to pressing work commitments, Tracey Kahan asked to step down from the Board. To find someone to complete her term which ends in 2015, the Nominating Committee followed normal procedure and recommended selection of the member who received the highest number of votes in the general election held earlier this year. That person is Claude Desloges. The Board unanimously selected Claude to join the Board. Welcome Claude! Claude also has joined Susannah Benson as co-chair of the Regional Events Committee.

We are also excited to announce that Monika Del Bosque has been selected to chair the Arts Committee, and Bobbie Ann Pimm has been selected to chair the Membership Committee. Monika received her MFA from JFK University, is Pierce College Art Faculty and Gallery Director in Thousand Oaks, California, and will be curating the art exhibition in Berkeley next year. We all appreciated the work Bobbie did this year as local conference co-manager and onsite registration chair at Virginia Beach. Bobbie is author of Notes from a Dreamer … on Dreaming: A Personal Journey in Dream Interpretation. Thank you both for taking on these important functions!

Development Consultant

Recognizing the many challenges being faced by our growing organization, the Board voted to hire a development consultant and fund it for a one-year period, using strategic funds which are specifically designed for one-time investments such as this. The main task of this consultant will be to see that the transformations we are facing will take place in a coordinated manner. This service will be provided by The iMage Project, a non-profit organization run by Jean Campbell. One of Jean’s duties will be to edit DreamTime, including building a team of volunteers to manage the publication after termination of the contract, with the overall goal of reducing costs. Of course, Jean will need help in this effort and will welcome input and assistance from members. You may contact Jean at Thank you, Jean for taking on this vital task.

Learning Management System – Online Courses

Scott Sparrow has submitted a proposal for creation of an online Learning Management System. Included in this proposal is the concept of converting conference presentations into online courses. Scott also proposes creating mentored, interactive online courses. Alan Siegel, Chair of the Education Committee, met with the Board and said that he is working with The American Psychological Association to obtain approval for CE credit for these courses. The Board discussed the particulars of this proposal and gave its approval for Scott and Alan to proceed with the project. Stay tuned; you will be hearing more about this in the future.

Call for Treasurer’s Position

IASD is seeking an individual to replace the outgoing Treasurer in June, 2014. This volunteer position includes a spot on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and it is ideal for someone with business or finance experience who is interested in expanding within IASD. The incoming Treasurer will be supported by the Finance Committee, along with training and assistance by the outgoing Treasurer. For more information about the position please contact David L. Kahn at

Call For IASD Board Nominations

The IASD Nominating Committee is soliciting recommendations for members to serve on the Board of Directors for the term beginning in July 2014. Nominees should be members in good standing who are willing to serve. Please send your recommendations to Susannah Benson, Nominating Committee Chair by December 15, 2013.

DreamTime Survey Results

IASD would like to thank the thirty percent of its membership that took the DreamTime Survey offered in the DreamTime Special Thirtieth Anniversary Edition and online last month; and acknowledge the magnitude of this response. Generally a fifteen percent response to any survey is considered an excellent one. IASD members showed their enthusiastic response to both DreamTime and to IASD.

Plans for the 2014 publication of DreamTime are underway. (See Board Chair Robert Gongloff's summary of the Development Consultant's duties above.)

A primary concern of those taking the survey was that members be allowed to choose whether to receive DreamTime online or in the mail. Thus that issue will be addressed most immediately. We urge your patience while we attempt to grow into a new way of doing things.

Many members expressed their gratitude to DreamTime's former editor, Richard Russo, and offered the opinion that DreamTime is wonderful the way it is. We concur. Any changes in format or presentation will be considered carefully in the coming year.


We are pleased to announce that the anonymous donor who has generously provided funding for the Student Research Award for the past seven years has graciously agreed to provide matching funds for the 2014 competition! The IASD board of trustees will provide the balance of funds.

The initial idea for a student research award was put forward at the IASD Board meeting prior to the 2004 Copenhagen conference by the late Dr. Ernest Hartmann. Dr. Hartmann served thereafter as a regular member of the Student Awards Committee. In recognition of his contributions to this effort, the Committee has decided, and the Executive Board of IASD has agreed, to rename the award in his memory. It will henceforth be known as the “Ernest Hartmann Award for Student Research.”

As in previous years, there will be two $500 awards. The first is for the best student submission of original scientific research on dreams and dreaming. The second is for the best submission of original historical, literary, artistic, or theoretical research. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to submit papers. Please view the following for additional details:

All participants must submit their presentations in electronic form, preferably through email to or if necessary by mailing the files, copied to a CD or a DVD, to the IASD office by March 1, 2014.

IASD-Student Research
1672 University Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703 USA
Mark on any mailed box "OK to leave on porch."

Text submissions must not exceed 6,000 words. Participants should submit text in MS Word, and artwork in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf formats.

Participants may also electronically submit videos in AVI formats, or music in MIDI or MPS formats. In the case of papers with multiple authors – in terms of the ideas presented as well as the description of the results – the contestant must indicate clearly, in either the text of the paper or in an accompanying letter, what portions are the submitter’s work.

Submissions must include a copy of the participant’s student ID. Alternatively, a copy can be faxed to the IASD Office at 1-209-724-0889, or scanned and emailed as an attachment to A note or cover letter should be included to indicate that this is for the IASD Student Research Award. Participants must specify which of the two awards they are applying for.

Winners will be announced at the IASD annual conference, which will be held at the beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Berkeley Marina in Berkeley, California from June 4 -8, 2014, during the General Membership Meeting. Check the schedule of conference events to find out the exact date and time.

Curtiss Hoffman
Student Research Awards Chair

From Susan Benson, Regional Events Co-Chair

Regional Events activities are buzzing with a number of conference and event proposals at various planning stages. We look forward to sharing more news about these events in future newsletters. Thank you to all of our regional reps who have joined our newly established Regional Reps forum. We have had a great start to the group and look forward to its continuing growth.  

I would like to thank Rosa Anwandter (South America), Cynnie Pearson (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania) and Nancy Grace (Salem, Oregon) who are stepping back from the Regional Representative role, and extend a warm welcome to Sherry Puricelli, our new regional representative for Connecticut.

In this month’s column we focus on community outreach and feature stories from Susan Baragia (representative for Upper Idaho and Oregon) and Mara Zadnoff (representative for Toronto). It is great to be able to share these stories of creative dreamwork initiatives. If you have a story to share we would love to hear it!

Reaching out to the Community: By Susan Baragia

As IASD regional representatives we are always looking for local opportunities to promote our association. When asked by the local university to talk about the integration of dream work into my counseling practice with children, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to also promote our organization. Tom and Kathleen Trotter were teaching a Counseling Supervision Internship class at the University of Nevada. Because University of Idaho doesn’t offer classes in dream work, this would be most students’ first exposure to dream work and its potential effect on children’s progress in counseling. Within the two-hour workshop I was able to talk about dream work and also introduce students to our premier dream association – IASD.

None of the audience had heard of the association, and they also had no idea of the amount of research occurring daily in the world of dreams. All students felt at least one class should be included in future graduate programs, and wished their program had exposed them to the study of dreams. Receiving this positive and passionate response to this introduction to dreams was gratifying and well worth a few hours of my time. And, of course, their enthusiastic responses only increased my already passionate interest in dreams.

Toronto IASD Regional Group Community Outreach

Mara Zadnoff and Jeanne Van Bronkhorst participated in a local community event, Ideafest, in Markham on Oct 26.

Mara writes, ‘One of our Toronto regional event guests is a librarian who is in charge of Ideafest and invited us to be there to introduce dreams to families attending the event. The IdeaFest was great! We had about 130 people participate...children telling and drawing their dreams; creating a great banner...Dreams are for Telling; adults/parents talking about their experience with their dreams, their children's dreams and how their cultures view dreams. We will follow this event with our participation in the Whole Life Expo in Toronto on November 22nd-24 which typically welcomes over 18,000 people over the weekend, with hundreds of booths rented by shops and providers for healthy living, well-being and spirituality. We will have information to hand out, regional members to engage the public and ways for interested people to join our membership.’

Regional Representatives Network

Please check the IASD website for up-to-date names and contact information for the regional representative in your area. The Regional Representative webpage  is divided into regions, making your search more user-friendly. If you do not have a Regional Rep for your area, consider volunteering to become one! You could serve an important networking role for IASD.

To volunteer to become a Regional Representative, contact Susannah Benson at:  or Claude Desloges at:

For corrections or feedback on member contacts from Regional Reps, contact Claude Desloges, (Regional Representative Eastern Canada) at:

KID LUCID - By Al Moniz


The IASD Dream-News provides late-breaking news, IASD conference information and links to new articles on the IASD Website. Please forward this IASD Dream-News to interested friends and colleagues so they can also sign up for IASD’s free Dream-News. E-mail Submissions by the first of each month to: IASD Dream-News Editor">>    


The deadline for the IASD Dream-News is the first of each month.
There is no Dream-News published in July.
Submissions by IASD members should be e-mailed to the IASD Dream-News editor.

Please limit your articles to 200 words. The article title should be entirely in capital letters. Any article sub-headings should be in upper and lowercase. Submissions can be submitted in the body of an email message or as an attachment. When sending attachments please include, in the body of the e-mail, your name and an indication that it is an IASD Dream-News item. Acceptable files for attachments are Microsoft Word and Rich Text Format (RTF). E-News articles should be submitted in the following format: Verdana font, 12pt., and black ink. No words should be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Feel free to include photos as attachments. Do not imbed photos or logos in text.

The editor reserves the right to shorten and/or edit articles for clarity and to fit space restrictions.
Articles over 200 words may be heavily edited. IASD reserves the right to accept or reject any article.

IASD members who would like to inform other members of their presentations, lectures, or workshops should submit their names, the titles of the events, the dates, and locations. Please also include either an e-mail address, website, or phone number so that IASD members can contact you for additional information. Submission of book tour dates and lecture series are limited to the following:
individual, contact information, dates, cities, states, or countries.

The IASD Dream-News accepts notices on member media interviews and appearances.
Members should include the IASD member name, the name of the show or publication, the date, and the topic discussed.

IASD holds no responsibility for the content or quality of non-sponsored IASD events
or individual member lectures, presentations, or workshops.

To subscribe to the IASD Dream-News: 

To change your E-mail address: 

Please direct any technical problems to Richard Wilkerson at the IASD office:

IASD Website:

The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Our purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.
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